State Library Victoria > La Trobe Journal

No 2 October 1968


Victorian History 1850–1900: A Guide for Research-Workers and Book Collectors. Part II

Select List of Books

This list is a highly selective guide, one man's view of the more interesting and useful works. For books relating to the 1850's and pastoralism to c. 1880, see respectively bibliographies in Serle, G., The Golden Age (Melb., 1963) and Kiddle, M., Men of Yesterday (Melb., 1961). And see Ferguson's Bibliography, vols. 5—7.
Visitors’ accounts and general contemporary works
Adams, F.W.L. Australian essays, Melb., 1886.
Adams, F.W.L. The Australians, Lon., 1893.
Austin, A.G. (ed.) The Webbs’ Australian diary, 1898, Melb., 1965.
Booth, E.C. Another England, Lon., 1869.
Dale, R.W. Impressions of Australia, Lon., 1888.
Davitt, M. Life and progress in Australasia, Lon., 1898.
Deakin, A. The crisis in Victorian politics, 1879–1881, Melb., 1957.
Deakin, A. The federal story, Melb., 1944.
Dilke, C.W. Greater Britain, Lon., 1869.
Dilke, C.W. Problems of Greater Britain, Lon., 1890.
Finch-Hatton, H. Advance Australia!, Lon., 1886.
Franklyn, H.M. A glance at Australia in 1880, Melb., 1881.
Freeman, J. Lights and shadows of Melbourne life, Lon., 1888.
Froude, J.A. Oceana, Lon., 1886.
Hogan, J.F. The Irish in Australia, Lon., 1887.
Hyndman, H.M. The record of an adventurous life, Lon., 1911.
Jenks, E. The government of Victoria, Lon., 1891.
Martin, A.P. Australia and the Empire, Edinb., 1889.
Murphy, W.E. History of the eight hours movement, Melb., 1896 and 1900.
Murray, D.C. The Cockney Columbus, Lon., 1898.
Nisbet, H. A colonial tramp, Lon., 1891.
Norton, J. and others History of capital and labour in all lands and all ages, Syd., 1888.
Parker, G. Round the compass in Australia, Lon., 1892.
Perkins, H. Melbourne illustrated and Victoria described, Melb., 1880.
Quick, J. History of land tenure in the colony of Victoria, Sandhurst, 1883.
Reeves, W.P. State experiments in Australia and New Zealand, Lon., 1902.
Spence W.G. Australia's awakening Syd., 1909 and Brisbane, 1942.
Thomas, Julian The Vagabond Papers, series 1–4, Melb., 1876–7.
Trollope, A. Australia and New Zealand, Lon., 1875.
Twopeny, R.E.N. Town life in Australia, Lon., 1883.
Autobiographies, etc.
Bedford. Randolph Naught to thirty-three, Syd., n.d.
Cambridge, Ada Thirty years in Australia, Lon., 1903.
Cockerill, G. Scribblers and statesmen, Melb., 1944.
Duffy, C.G. My life in two hemispheres, Lon., 1898.
Hoare, B. Looking back gaily, Melb., 1927.
Lindsav, Lionel Comedy of life, Syd., 1967.
Meudell, G. The pleasant career of a spendthrift, Lon., n.d.
Peck, H. Memoirs of a stockman, Melb., 1942.
Prichard, K.S. Child of the hurricane, Syd., 1963.
Richardson, H.H. Myself when young, Lon., 1948.
Singleton, J. A narrative of incidents in the life of a physician, Melb., 1891.
Tisdall, Constance Forerunners. The saga of a family of teachers, Melb., 1961.
Harper, A. James Balfour, Melb., 1918.
Rivett, Rohan Australian citizen-Herbert Brookes 1867–1963, Melb., 1965.
Alexander T.A. The life of George Chaffey Melb., 1928.
Elliott, B. Marcus Clarke, Lon., 1958.
Bagot, A. Coppin the great, Melb., 1965.
La Nauze, J.A. Alfred Deakin, Melb., 1965.
Anderson, H. Out of the shadow: the career of John Pascoe Fawkner, Melb., 1962.
Grimwade, R. Flinders Lane: recollections of Alfred Felton, Melb., 1947.
Poymter, J. Russell Grimwade, Melb., 1967.
Palmer, Nettie Henry Bournes Higgins, Lon., 1931.
Morris, E.E. Memoir of George Higinbotham, Lon., 1895.
Dow, G. George Higinbotham: church and state, Melb., 1964.
Pearl, C. Always morning: the life of R.H. ‘Orion’ Horne, Melb., 1960.
Blainey Ann The Farthine Poet [R. H. Horne] Lon., 1968.
Co wen, Z. Isaac Isaacs, Melb., 1967.
Turnbull C, Eurcka: the life of Feter lalor Melh 1946.
Rickards, E.C. Bishop Moorhouse of Melbourne and Manchester, Lon., 1920.
Willis, M. By their fruits: the life of Ferdinand von Mueller, Syd., 1949.
Kennedy, V. & Palmer, Nettie Bernard O'Dowd, Melb., 1954.
Ross, C.S. Francis Ormond, Lon., 1912.
Tregenza, J. Professor of democracy. The life of Charles Henry Pearson, Melb., 1968.
Robin, A. de Q. Charles Perry. Bishop of Melbourne, Nedlands, 1967.
Turnbull, C. Bluestone: the story of James Stephens, Melb., 1945.
Sugden, E.H. & Eggleston, F.W. George Swinburne, Syd., 1931.
Sayers, C.E. David Syme, Melb., 1965.
Pratt, A. David Syme, Lon., 1908.
General later works
Blainey, G. The rush that never ended, Melb., 1963.
Blainey, G. A century history of the University of Melbourne, Melb., 1957.
Blainey, G. Gold and paper: a history of the National Bank of Australasia Limited, Melb., 1958.
Boyd, Robin Australia's home, Melb., 1952.
Boyd, Robin The Australian ugliness, Melb., 1963.
Briggs, A. Victorian cities, Lon., 1963.
Butlin, N.G. Investment in Australian economic development, 1861–1900, Cam., 1964.
Butlin, S.J. Australia and New Zealand Bank, Lon., 1961.
Cannon, M. The land boomers, Melb., 1966.
Clune, F. & Stephensen, P.R. The Kelly-hunters, Syd., 1954.
Coghlan.T. Labour and industry in Australia, Oxf., 1918.
Davies, A.F. Local government in Victoria, Melb., 1951.
Eggleston, F.W. State socialism in Victoria, Lon., 1932.
Forde, J.L. The story of the Bar of Victoria, Melb., n.d.
Gollan, R. Radical and working class politics: a study of eastern Australia, 1850–1910, Melb., 1960.
Hall, H.L. Australia and England: a study in imperial relations, Lon., 1934.
Hall, H.L. Victoria's part in the Australian federation movement, Lon., 1931.
Inglis, K.S. Hospital and community: a history of the Royal Melbourne Hospital, Melb., 1958.
Kiddle, M. Men of yesterday, Melb., 1961.
La Nauze, J.A. Political economy in Australia, Melb., 1949.
Saunders, D. (ed.) Historic buildings of Victoria, Melb., 1967.
Sinclair, W.A. Economic recovery in Victoria, 1894–99, Camb., 1956.
Sinclair, W.A. Economic recovery in Victoria, 1894–99, Camb., 1956.
Smith, Bernard Australian painting, Melb., 1962.
Local histories (a selection from scores)
Banfield, L.L. Like the Ark… The story of Ararat, Melb., 1955.
Bate, Weston A history of Brighton, Melb., 1962.
Blaincy, G. A history of Camberwell, Melb., 1964.
Brownhill, W.R. The history of Geelong and Corio Bay, Melb., 1955.
Cooper, J.B. The history of Prahran, Melb., 1924.
Cooper, J.B. The history St. Kilda, Melb., 1931.
Cooper, J.B. The history of Malvern, Melb., 1935.
Daley, C.S. The story of Gippsland, Melb., 1960.
Daley. C.S. The history of South Melbourne, Melb., 1940.
Forster, H.W. Waranga, 1865–1965, Melb., 1965.
Grant, J. & Serle, G. The Melbourne scene, 1803–1956, Melb., 1957.
Mackay, G. History of Bendigo, Melb., 1891.
Martin, C.S. Irrigation and closer settlement in the Shepparton district, Melb., 1955.
Palmer, Y.S. Track of the years: a history of St. Arnaud, Melb., 1955.
Paull, Raymond Old Walhalla, Melb., 1963.
Priestley, S. Echuca. A centenary history, Melb., 1965.
Priestley, S. Warracknabeal. A Wimmera centenary, Melb., 1967.
Sayers, C.E. Shanty at the bridge. The story of Donald, Melb., 1963.
Sayers, C.E. Shepherd's gold. The story of Stawell, Melb., 1966.
Selby, Isaac The old pioneers’ memorial history of Melbourne, Melb., 1924.
The land of the lyre bird. A story of early settlement in the great forest of South Gippsland, Melb., 1920.
Withers, W.B. History of Ballarat, Ballarat, 1870.

Select List of Articles

Historical Studies
Balmford, P. & O'Brien, J.L Dating houses in Victoria (No.36, May 1961)
Blackton, C.S. Australian nationality and nationalism, 1850–1900 (no.36, May 1961).
Blackton, C.S. Australian nationality and nationalism: the imperial federationist interlude, 1885–1901 (no.25, Nov. 1955); also in Beever, M. and Smith, F.B., eds., Historical Studies. Selected articles. Second series.
Clarke, Dorothy P. The Colonial Office and the constitutional crisis in Victoria, 1865–8 (no. 18, May 1952).
Coughlan, N. The coming of the Irish to Victoria (no.45, Oct. 1965).
Fitzpatrick, Kathleen The Burke and Wills expedition and the Royal Society of Victoria (no.40, May 1963).
Hughes. Helen The eight hour day and the development of the labour movement in Victoria in the eighteen-fifties (no.36, May 1961).
lngham, S.M. Political parties in the Victorian Legislative Assembly, 1880–1900 (no.15, Nov. 1950): also in Beever & Smith.
Kent. B. Agitations on the Victorian gold fields, 1851–4 (no.23, Nov. 1954); also in Historical Studies. Eureka supplement, 2 ed., 1965.
Knon, B.A. Colonial influence on imperial policy, 1858–1866: Victoria and the Colonial Naval Defence Act, 1865 (no.41, Nov. 1963).
Main, J.M. Making constitutions in N.S.W. and Victoria, 1853–1854 (no.28, May 1957): also in Beever & Smith.
Miller. J.D.B. David Syme and elective ministries (no.21, Nov. 1953).
Mills (Parnaby). Joy E. The composition of the Victorian parliament, 1856–81 (no.5, Apr. 1942); also in Beever & Smith.
Neale. R.S. H.S. Chapman and the ‘Victorian’ ballot (no.48, Apr. 1967).
Oddle, G. The lower class Chinese and the merchant elite in Victoria, 1870–1890 (no 37 Nov. 1961).
Packer. D.R.G. Victorian population data, 1851–61 (no.20, May 1953).
Serle, G. The Victorian Legislative Council, 1856–1950 (no.22, May 1954); also in Eastwood. J. & Smith, F.B. eds., Historical Studies. Selected articles.
Victorian Historical Magazine (and see Index, vols. 1—25)
Chapman, F.R. South suburban Melbourne, 1854–1864 (no.20, June 1917).
Charles, W.T. The Victorian protection movement (no.52, Feb. 1931).
Daley, C. The Chinese in Victoria (no.52, Feb. 1931).
Kenyon, A.S. The story of the Mallee (nos.13–16, Sept. 1914–June 1915).
Scott, E. The history of the Victorian ballot (nos.29–30, Nov. 1920–May 1921).
Other journals
Blackton, C.S. Australian nationality and nativism: the Australian Natives’ Association, 1885–1901, Journal of Modern History, v. 30, 1958.
Crowley, F.K. The British contribution to the Australian population: 1860–1919, University Studies in History and Economics (W.A.), v.2, no.2, July 1954.
Howe, Renate Social composition of the Wesleyan Church in Victoria during the nineteenth century, Journal of Religious History, v.4, no.3, June 1967.
McCarty, J.W. “Commercial cities” and the growth of Melbourne in the nineteenth century, Historian, no.17, Sept. 1967.
Smith, F.B. Spiritualism in Victoria in the nineteenth century. Journal of Religious History, v.3, no.3, June 1965.
Ward, J.M. Charles Gavan Duffy and the Australian federation movement, 1856–70, Journal of the Royal Aust. Historical Society, v. xlvii, pt.1, 1961.

Unpublished Theses
(University of Melbourne, unless otherwise stated)

Bartlett, G.R. Political organization and society in Victoria, 1864–1883, A.N.U., 1964.
French, E.L. Secondary education in the Australian social order, 1788–1898, 1958.
Fry, E.C. The condition of the urban wage-earning class in Australia in the 1880's, A.N.U., 1956.
Murray-Smith, S. A history of technical education in Australia with special reference to the period before 1914, 1966.
Parnaby, J.E. The economic and political development of Victoria, 1877–1881, 1951.
Atkins, B.R. The problem of the representation of Australia in England: the origins and development of the Australian agencies-general during the nineteenth century, 1959.
Bach, J.P.S. Land and sea communications between Sydney and Melbourne, 1837–1864, Sydney, 1954.
Beveridge, R.J. Victorian railway policy, 1850–1883, 1952.
Cashman, R.I. Nonconformists in Victoria in the 1850's, Monash, 1963.
Chambers, D. A History of Ormond College, 1881–1945, 1966.
Collett, B. Land settlement in the Foster area, South Gippsland before 1890, 1963.
Corris, P.A. Aborigines and Europeans in Western Victoria, Monash. 1966.
Crowley, F.K. Aspects of the constitutional conflicts between the two Houses of the Victorian legislature, 1864–1868, 1947.
Cutler, F.H. A history of the anti-sweating movement in Victoria, 1873–96, 1956.
Duly, L.L. Land selection Acts in Victoria, 1859 to 1869, 1959.
Finlayson, M.J. Groups in Victorian politics, 1889–1894, 1964.
Fredman, L.E. Quick: the role of a Founding Father, 1955.
Getzler, I. “Neither Toleration nor Favour”.: the struggle of the Jewish communities in the Australian colonies for equal religious rights in the 1840's and 1850's, 1960.
Gregory, J.S. Church and state in Victoria, 1851–1872, 1951.
Hamilton, C. Irish-Australian Catholics and the Labour Party…. 1890–1921, 1957.
Hone, J.A. The movement for the higher education of women in Victoria in the later nineteenth century, Monash, 1965.
Hooper, F.C. The evolution of communal living in the Maryborough mining district (1854–1870), 1962.
Howe, R. The Wesleyan church in Victoria, 1855–1901: its ministry and membership, 1965.
Ingham, S.M. Some aspects of Victorian liberalism, 1880–1900, 1950.
Kennedy, R.E. The charity organisation movement in Melbourne, 1887—97, 1967.
Lesser, L.E. Show business: a history of the theatre in Victoria, 1835–1948, 1949.
McCormack, G.P. Victorian governors and responsible government, 1854–1892, 1962.
McCullough, J.B. The Australian reaction to the New Hebrides crisis of 1886: a study in Australian nationalism, 1956.
McKay, D.H. History of co-operation in south-eastern Australia, 1860–1940, 1946.
McLachlan, N.D. Larrikinism: an interpretation, 1950.
Mahood, M. The Australian political cartoon in Victoria and N.S.W., 1855–1901, 1965.
Malone, B. State and local government relations: Prahran, 1850–1863, 1956.
Miles, J.G. Governor Hotham: aspects of his government of Victoria, 1854–55, 1955.
Millar, T.B. The history of the defence forces of the Port Phillip district and the Colony of Victoria, 1836–1900, 1957.
Mitchell, Ann M. Temperance and the liquor question in later nineteenth century Victoria, 1966.
Moore, R.J. “Marvellous Melbourne”: a social history of Melbourne in the “eighties”, 1958.
Oddie, G.A. The Chinese in Victoria, 1870–90, 1959.
Parnaby, J.E. Sir Charles Gavan Duffy in Victoria, 1856–1880, 1943.
Phillip, J.M. Trade union organization in N.S.W. and Victoria, 1870–1890, 1954.
Quaife, G.R. The nature of political conflict Victoria 1856–57, 1965.
Reaves, B.W. A social study of the lower orders in Melbourne during the gold rushes, 1851–1861, 1965.
Roe, J.I. A decade of assessment: being a study of the intellectual life of the city of Melbourne between 1876 and 1886 (A.N.U.) 1966.
Ronaldson, M.G. The development of social services in Victoria, 1948.
Rule, B.K. The origins of state secondary education in Victoria, 1961.
Smith, F.B. Religion and free thought in Melbourne, 1870–1890, 1960.
Watson, J.M.C. Selectors and squatters in the Hamilton district in the 1860's, 1957.
Wessels, S.F. E.H. Lascelles and the Victorian Mallee: a survey of settlement, 1850–1905, 1966.
Whitfield, L.F. “The Age” in Public Affairs from 1861 to 1881, 1950.
Curry, N.G. The work of the Denominational and National Boards of Education in Victoria, 1850–1862, 1965.
Davis, D.J. Seventy-five years of commercial education in Victoria, 1850–1925, 1966.
Dobson, N.H. The Methodist Church in education in Victoria, 1836–1862 1964.
Kavanagh, M. The educational work of the Presentation Sisters in Victoria, 1873–1960, 1965.
McGrath, A.R. Some convent school traditions in Victoria, 1860–1910, 1964.
Pledger, P.J. A critical study of the work of the Board of Education in Victoria between 1862 and 1872, 1958.
Rankin, D.H. Adult Education and its development in Victoria, 1938.
Trethewey, A.R. The teaching of history in state-supported elementary schools in Victoria, 1852–1954, 1965.
Barley, K.P.J. A history of two Victorian farmers’ organisations: the Royal Agricultural Society and the Chamber of Agriculture, M. Ag. Sci., 1952.
Hume, L.J. The Labor movement in N.S.W. and Victoria, 1830–60 M. Ec., Sydney, 1952.
Lyall, D.S. The architectural profession in Melbourne, 1835 to 1860, M. Arch., 1966.
Thompson, A.G. Statistical measurement of manufacturing activity in Victoria, 1861–1901, M. Comm., 1965.
Woinarski, S.H.Z. A history of legal institutions in Victoria, LL.D., 1942.