No 13 March 1974
Select List of Additions to the Australian Manuscript and Historical Picture Collections, 1973
- ALCOCK, Henry Upton — Diary kept on board the ship Africa on a voyage from England to Australia, 30 November 1852–16 April 1853. Pres. by Mrs. V. J. Jonas.
- Henry Upton Alcock (1822–1912) trained in England and Ireland as a cabinet-maker. After his arrival in Australia he used his skills to set up a billiard table manufacturing company under the name Alcock and Co. Using native Australian timbers the firm won a wide market in Australia and achieved notable successes at several international trade exhibitions.
- ARARAT Chronicle — List of subscribers to the Ararat Chronicle, 1 vol. Pres. by Miss L. Banfield.
- The Ararat Chronicle was founded in 1891. This subscription book, apparently commenced c. 1910, includes manuscript notes concerning events and personalities in Ararat.
- AUSTRALIAN Federated Union of Locomotive Enginemen (Victorian Division) — Minute books 1899–1904, 1904–1907; Grand Council Minutes 1886–1907; and letter book 1882–1891. Pres. by Australian Federated Union of Locomotive Enginemen (Victorian Division).
- BLAINEY, Samuel John — An Auto Biographic Discription of Travel and Experience and of Moral and Mental Profit taking From Boyhood to Old Age [c.1883–1933]. Xerox copy. Original in possession of Rev. J. Blainey.
- The record of a working man's life spent in a variety of Victorian country centres and cities, South Australia and elsewhere.
- BRYANS, Lina — Personal papers, correspondence, art catalogues and photographs, c. 1930–1973. 3 feet. Pres. by Mrs. L. Bryans. Part restricted. Lina Bryans is a Melbourne artist whose work is represented in most Australian State galleries.
- de CASTELLA, Hubert — Proposal for the establishment of a company for the extension of and working of the St. Hubert's Vineyard, 29 May 1874, together with projected estimates for the working of the St. Hubert's Vineyard Co., 1874–1879. 22p. lith. Pres. by Dr. A. F. A. Wallis.
- COOK, James, Captain — Leaf from journal kept by Captain James Cook, including entries for 2 and 4 July, 1773. Pres. by F. G. Williams Esq.
- CUMMING Family — Correspondence 1850–1891, together with notes on the Cumming family and a guide to the papers prepared by David Hamilton. Pres. by Miss Ernestine McKellar.
- These letters were written by three generations of the Cumming family descended from John Cumming (1796–1858) who was originally at Hobart where he arrived from Scotland in 1833. He moved to Melbourne in 1838 and from there to Geelong where he established a brewery (later the Volum Brewery). In time, the family developed strong pastoral interests with properties in Victoria and New South Wales.
- CURRIE Family — Papers relating to the Currie and Forlonge families, including photographs of Seven Creeks Estate, Euroa, c.1880–1913. Pres. Estate late Ian Rollo Currie Esq.
- The Seven Creeks property dates from the 1830's when it was settled by the Templeton and Forlonge families, pioneers of Victorian wool-growing. Ian Rollo Currie acquired the property in 1913 and lived there until his death in 1972.
- FARIAN Society (Victoria) — Minute Books (2 vols.) 1 April 1947–11 December 1967. Pres. by Secretary, Fabian Society (Victoria).
- FINN, Edmund (‘Garryowen’) — Old Melbourne Sketches, with mss. explanations, Melbourne, 10th May 1882. Pres. by Miss P. Finn.
- This scrapbook is one of at least two known to have been kept by Edmund Finn (1819–1898) who achieved prominence in Melbourne, particularly as the author of The ‘Garryowen’ Sketches, later expanded into The Chronicles of Early Melbourne. The scrapbook includes notes on early Melbourne buildings and town planning, sketches by Robert Russell and letters written by Judge John Walpole Willis.
- GRIFFITH, Charles James — Journal, commenced in London in 1840 and giving details of the voyage to Australia and subsequent life in Port Phillip. Xerox copy of ms. copy prepared by M. P. Loder. Original in private possession.
- Copied by courtesy M. P. Loder Esq.
- Charles James Griffith (1808–1863) achieved prominence in Port Phillip where he held a number of public offices and membership of the Legislative Council. He was the author of The Present State and Prospects of the Port Phillip District of New South Wales (Dublin, 1845).
- IRELAND, Gordon — Scripts of broadcasts and radio features prepared and presented by Gordon Ireland for the Australian Broadcasting Commission, c. 1920–1945. 4 feet. Purchase.
- JEWISH Board of Deputies (Victorian Branch) — Records c. 1945–1955. 30 feet. On long-term loan. Part restricted.
- KEELEY, Michael — Daybook 1860–1864. Pres. by Rev. Mother Clare Percy-Dove, R.S.H.J.
- Michael Keeley (1831–1865) was a Melbourne publican and city councillor. ‘Brymawr’, the home he occupied at Glen Iris, is now part of the Convent of the Sacred Heart.
- LA TROBE, Charles Joseph — A.L.S. to ‘My dear Strzelecki’, 16 February 1855. Purchase.
- McGREGOR, Sir James — Correspondence c.1919–1973 including letters written by Harold Herbert, Sir Hans Heysen, Nora Heysen, Sir Daryl Lindsay, and Norman Lindsay. Pres. Estate late Sir James McGregor. Part restricted.
- Sir James McGregor (1889–1973) was a trustee of the Art Gallery of New South Wales.
- McNICOLL, Ronald Ramsay — John Carre Riddell, 1809–1879: a biographical note. Pres. by Major-General R. R. McNicoll, C.B.E.
- MACKINNON Family — Station records and personal papers of the Mackinnon family of Marida Yallock, 1845–1945, including correspondence, diaries, station journals, cash books and shearing records. 12 feet. Pres. by J. Mackinnon Esq.
- MELBA, Dame Nellie — A.L.S. to “Mon cher ami”, n.d. and photograph, 5 1/2″ x 4″; signed. Purchase. The photograph, although undated, is an early one. Melba is portrayed full length in Spanish costume, possibly as Carmen.
- MID-MURAY Dairy Co. Ltd. — Records, 1895–1973, including minute books, managers reports, balance sheet and wage records. 6 feet. Pres. by R. Appleby Esq. on behalf of Director, Mid-Murray Dairy Co. Ltd.
- MOLLISON Family — Collection of papers relating to the Mollison family, including letters from Alexander Fullerton Mollison to his brothers and sisters. 9 letters. Also Address presented to Crawford Mollison by the Justices of the Peace residing at Emerald Hill, July 1875 in gratitude for his services to the Bench. Pres. by Miss M. Mollison.
- ROYAL Botanic Gardens, Kew — Papers c.1825–1928. Microfilm. 58 reels. Purchase. This collection includes correspondence, diaries, journals, lists, maps and miscellaneous papers, many of Australian and Pacific interest. Correspondents include W. Archer, J. Blackhouse, Sir Henry Barkly, Philip Parker King, Ludwig Leichardt and Sir Ferdinand von Mueller.
- ROYAL Victorian Institute of Architects — Records 1856–1966. 40 feet. Pres. by Royal Australian Institute of Architects (Victorian Chapter).
- STANDISH, Frederick Charles, Captain — Diary 1848–1877, manuscript copy prepared by Curtis Candler, with his own commentary on Melbourne life. Pres. by Mrs. M. M. Bertram.
- Captain Frederick Charles Standish (1824–1883) arrived in Victoria in 1852. He was appointed Assistant Commissioner of the Gold Fields, Sandhurst (1854) and subsequently Chinese Protector (1858). Two years later (1860) he was appointed Chief Commissioner of Police, a position he held until his resignation in 1880.
- Curtis Candler was Melbourne City Coroner 1857–1898 and a long-time official of the Melbourne Club.
- VON MUELLER, Baron Sir Ferdinand — Letters to Miss Euphemia Ferguson, 1 November 1862–6 July 1869. 46 letters. Photoprints. Pres. by Mrs. V. McHaffie. Originals held National Herbarium, Melbourne.
- WILLIAMSTOWN Recruiting Committee — Minutes 15 January 1916–17 August 1918. Pres. by H. Evans Esq.
- WILLS, William John — Collection of letters, mainly by William John Wills to members of his family 1839–1861. 28 letters and one fragment; also press cuttings relating to the Burke and Wills Expendition 1862–1863. Purchase.
- ARMSTRONG, J., and others — Collection of 15 original cartoons, c.1930's. Purchase.
- AUSTRALIAN civil aircraft — Collection of approx. 7,500 photographic negatives. Purchase.
- DYSON, Will — Cartoon of Senator Edward Pulsford, pencil and wash. Pres. by Miss Bertha Braithwaite.
- FORREST, J. Haughton, Captain — The Flora (ship) oil painting. Pres. by T. N. M. Buesst Esq. The artist is a well-known marine painter not previously represented in the collection.
- MACKENNAL, John Simpson — Deep-relief plaster medallion head of Chester Earles. Pres. by Miss P. D. Elder and Mrs. P. M. Selby.
- John Simpson Mackennal (1832–1901) was a sculptor. The father of Sir Bertram Mackennal, he was his son's earliest teacher. The medallion is a rare example of the work of J. S. Mackennal. Chester Earles was a portrait painter and President of the Victorian Academy of Arts, 1873.
- PORTRAITS of Hon. Richard Heales, Premier of Victoria 1860–61 and his wife; artist unknown. Pres. by H. A. Davidson Esq.
- RIVER Yarra and Princes Bridge, 1855; artist unknown; watercolour showing the Gondola, first paddle steamer on the Yarra. Pres. by T. N. M. Buesst Esq.
- SABIN, Gustav — Album of early photographic views of New Guinea. Pres. by J. R. Hill Esq.
- SKETCHES at the Camp. Portsea, 1881; five small wash drawings showing life at the Military Barracks. Pres. by T. N. M. Buesst Esq.