State Library Victoria > La Trobe Journal

No 30 December 1982

[Back matter]


Notes on Contributors

Marion Amies is a graduate of Monash University; she is currently writing a Ph.D. thesis on schooling at home in nineteenth century Australia.
Dr. Charles Fahey is the Living Biography Project Officer in the La Trobe Library, State Library of Victoria.
Dr. Richard Haese, the author of Rebels and Precursors, is lecturer in Art History at La Trobe University.
John Holroyd is Secretary of the Friends of the La Trobe Library.
Shar Jones is the Picture Librarian in the La Trobe Library, State Library of Victoria.
Trevor Mills is the Rare Book Librarian in the State Library of Victoria.
Dr. Geoffrey Serle is a member of the committee of the Friends of the La Trobe Library.
Professor A.G.L. Shaw is Vice-President of the Friends of the La Trobe Library.
Dr Martin Sullivan is senior lecturer in the Faculty of Education at Monash University.
inside back cover


is a section of the State Library of Victoria and is Victoria's chief research centre and reference library for Australian history and literature. It is the State's principal repository for manuscript material, historical paintings, newspapers, etc., relating to the history of Australia and the Pacific and especially Victoria.


is a society founded in 1966. Its aims are to publicise the Library, to attract financial support for it, to help to fill gaps in the book-collection, and to encourage the donation of manuscript and other material.
With regard to the last objective, the Friends seek to locate diaries, letters and other family or institutional papers which have survived, and to acquire such material for the Library or to arrange to have it photo-copied by negotiation with the owners.
The Friends’ Patrons are His Excellency, Rear-Admiral Sir Brian Murray, K.C.M.G., A.O., K.St.J. (Patron-in-chief), Hon. John Cain, Q.C., M.L.A.; Hon. Sir Rupert Hamer, K.C.M.G., E.D.; Hon. Sir Henry Bolte, G.C.M.G.; the Lady Casey; Professor R. M. Crawford.
The Friends’ office bearers are: President, Mrs. Lurline Stuart; Vice-President, Professor A.G.L. Shaw; Hon. Treasurer, S.R.C. Wood, Esq., D.F.C.; Hon. Secretary, John Holroyd, Esq.; Librarian, Miss Dianne Reilly (La Trobe Librarian).
New Friends will be welcomed, especially if they are prepared to be active. The annual subscription is $12 (which includes the Journal). The Friends’ address is State Library of Victoria, Swanston Street, Melbourne. 3000.
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