The State Library Of Victoria
is Victoria's major reference and research library. As well as its general collection of books, periodicals, newspapers, maps and other materials, it has a separate wing known as
The La Trobe Library
which is Victoria's chief research centre and reference library for Australian history and literature. It is the State's principal repository for manuscripts, historical pictures, newspapers and other library material relating to the history of Australia and the Pacific, and especially to Victoria.
Friends of the State Library of Victoria
is a society founded in 1966 and, until 1984, known as the Friends of the La Trobe Library. Its objects are to assist, encourage and promote the interests of the State Library, by seeking sponsorship and gifts for the Library and by searching for and obtaining books, manuscripts, pictures and other library material, particularly that which is of Australian interst.
The Friends' Patrons are His Excellency, Rear-Admiral Sir Brian Murray, K.C.M.G., A.O., K.St.J. (Patron-in-chief); The Honorable John Cain, Q.C., M.L.A.; The Honorable Sir Rupert Hamer, K.C.M.G., E.D.; The Honorable Sir Henry Bolte, G.C.M.G.; Professor R. M. Crawford, O.B.E.; Mrs. Margaret Carnegie; and Mrs. E. K. Borrow.
The Friends' office-bearers are: President, Dr. Lurline Stuart; Vice-President, Professor A. G. L. Shaw; Hon. Treasurer, S. R. C. Wood; Hon. Secretary, John Arnold.
The Committee of the Friends comprises: Marion Amies; Mrs. Everard Baillieu; Mimi Colligan; John Holroyd; Tony Marshall; Marjorie Morgan; Nigel Sinnott; and Martin Sullivan. The State Librarian, Mr. W. M. Horton, and the La Trobe Librarian, Miss Dianne Reilly, are ex officio members of the Committee.
New Friends will be welcomed. The annual subscription for ordinary members is $25. Bookplate membership is available at an annual subscription of $100. Concessional membership (for pensioners and full-time students) is $10 per annum. Sponsor and donor memberships are also available. Membership and other enquiries can be addressed to the Friends of the State Library of Victoria, 328 Swanston Street, Melbourne, 3000.