The La Trobe Journal
Published By
The Friends of the State Library of Victoria
Vol. 10, No. 40 |
Spring, 1987 |
‘Choose your author as you would choose a friend’: circulating libraries in Melbourne, 1930–1960 |
John Arnold |
77–96 |
Guest Editor: John Arnold
Editor's note: The research and writing of the paper published here was done under the auspices of the Centre for Bibliographical and Textual Studies at Monash University, Clayton, Victoria. The author would like to thank the following for their advice and comments: John Holroyd, Graeme Johanson, Wallace Kirsop, Denise Marshall, Richard Overell, Lurline Stuart, and those former proprietors of circulating libraries who responded to my ‘Help Wanted’ notice in the Age, viz., Betty Fitts, Margaret Griffiths, Bob Haynes, Ettie Pullman and John Scully.
The La Trobe Library Journal is published twice yearly, in Autumn and Spring. The annual subscription (payable to La Trobe Library Journal, State Library of Victoria, Swanston Street, Melbourne, Australia 3000) is $10.00, including postage. The price of each single issue is $4.00.
The cover illustrations are taken from the business labels of two former circulating libraries. The one on the front cover is reproduced courtesy of Mr. Bill Mason of Mason's Book Centre; the one on the back cover courtesy of the daughter of the former proprietor.
ISSN 0041-3151