Fig. 11 (above). The antiphons Salve Regina and Ave regina celorum, with the opening of the Matins hymn Te Deum laudamus. Antiphonal. Melbourne, State Library of Victoria,*096.1/R66A.ff.395v-396r.
Fig. 12 (right). The alternate Office for the feast of St Ursula and the 11,000 Virgins. Antiphonal. Melbourne, State Library of Victoria,*096.1/R66A.f.339v. It is unusual to have two Offices, one simple and the other of duplex rank, both fully written in the same liturgical book. The same Office is found in the Poissy Breviaries at Paris ((Arsenal 603, f.377v.) and Oxford (Bodleian MS Rawl. lit. e 2,f.184).