The La Trobe Journal
is published by the State Library of Victoria Foundation twice yearly in Autumn and Spring.
Editorial Committee: John Barnes (editor), Sandra Burt (assistant editor), John Arnold, Carol Barnard, Cathrine Harboe-Ree, Yvonne Hurley, Wallace Kirsop.
Editorial correspondence should be addressed to: Editor, The La Trobe Journal, State Library of Victoria Foundation, 328 Swanston Street, Melbourne, Victoria 3000.
Contributions are invited on scholarly topics, and are subject to refereeing.
Opinions expressed in The La Trobe Journal are those of the individual contributors and no responsibility for them is accepted by the Editorial Committee or the State Library of Victoria Foundation.
Copyright of material published in The La Trobe Journal is vested in the author, unless stated otherwise.
Annual subscription (two issues post free): $24 (Australia) $28 (overseas).
Single copies available from the State Library: $15 (plus $5 posted).
Members of the State Library of Victoria Foundation receive The La Trobe Journal free as part of their membership.
The State Library of Victoria Foundation
was established in 1994 as the fund-raising arm of the State Library of Victoria, which is the largest public reference and research library in Victoria, with a collection that includes more than one million books and journals, 90,000 newspapers and hundreds of thousands of paintings, photographs, maps, manuscripts and other materials.
The Friends of the State Library of Victoria was founded in 1966 (and known as the Friends of the La Trobe Library until 1984), its objects being to assist, encourage and promote the interests of the State Library, by seeking sponsorship and gifts for the Library and by searching for and obtaining books, manuscripts, pictures and other library material, particularly of Australian interest. It organised lectures and other activities for members, and from 1968 published the La Trobe Library Journal. In 1997 the Friends amalgamated with the Foundation, becoming a sub-committee and continuing their traditional activities in this context.
The State Library of Victoria Foundation Executive Committee: Julie Ann Cox (Chairperson), John Arnold (Convener, Friends sub-committee), Frances Awcock (Chief Executive Officer and State Librarian), Mary Baillieu AM, David Bennett QC (Convener, Business sub-committee), Andrew Coloretti (Convener, Bequests sub-committee), Stephen Kerr, Meg Paul, Ian Renard (President, Library Board of Victoria), Michael Rodd, Rosalie Vaccari (Convener, Events sub-committee), Carol Barnard (Executive Director, State Library Foundation).
The Foundation encourages and promotes private and corporate financial support for State Library programs and projects.
New Friends and Bookplate Members are welcome. Annual subscriptions are: Friends $50 (individual), $75 (household); Bronze Bookplate $150 (individual), $200 (household); Silver Bookplate $500; Gold Bookplate $1,000.
Donations are tax deductible.
All donors (including Friends) receive State Library of Victoria News (four times a year), The La Trobe Journal (twice a year), invitations to a variety of lectures and seminars, and 10% discount on the purchase of State Library publications. In addition, the donation by Bookplate Members is acknowledged by a special bookplate in one of the Library's new books. Silver and Gold Bookplate Members receive regular invitations to special events and enjoy privileged access to the Library's treasures.
For further information, please contact: State Library of Victoria Foundation, 328 Swanston Street, Melbourne, Victoria 3000, Australia. Telephone: (03) 9669 9048, Facsimile: (03) 9669 9900, email
[email protected]