The La Trobe Journal
is published by the State Library of Victoria Foundation twice yearly in Autumn and Spring.
Editorial Committee: John Barnes (editor), Sandra Burt (assistant editor), John Arnold, Cathrine Harboe-Ree, Yvonne Hurley, Wallace Kirsop.
Editorial correspondence should be addressed to: Editor, The La Trobe Journal, State Library of Victoria Foundation, 328 Swanston Street, Melbourne, Victoria 3000.
Contributions are invited on scholarly topics, and are subject to refereeing.
Opinions expressed in The La Trobe Journal are those of the individual contributors and no responsibility for them is accepted by the Editorial Committee or the State Library of Victoria Foundation.
Copyright of material published in The La Trobe Journal is vested in the author, except where stated otherwise.
Annual subscription (two issues post free): $24 (Australia) $28 (overseas).
Single copies (available from Foyer Desk of the State Library): $15 (plus $5 posted).
Members of the State Library of Victoria Foundation receive The La Trobe Journal free as part of their membership.
Albert Tucker (1914-1999)
The death of Albert Tucker occurred in October 1999, while this number of The La Trobe Journal was still in production. Our cover and the selection from his Family and Friends, an exhibition of his photographs, had been planned to draw attention to Tucker items in the Pictures Collection of the State Library. With the passing from our midst of this remarkable artist an event still fresh in our minds, this number of the journal will, we hope, be seen as doing honour to his memory.
Front cover: Joy Hester, Blue Portrait of Albert Tucker. Drawing: brush, ink and blue wash on buff paper, ca. 1945. La Trobe Picture Collection. H93.511. Reproduced by permission of the Tucker Estate.
Back Cover: Albert Tucker, Barnett Reid. Oil on composition board, 1984. La Trobe Picture Collection. H98 207/1. Reproduced by permission of the Tucker Estate.
From the Editorial Chair |
2 |
John Yule |
Reflections on Life and Art |
3 |
Sidney Nolan |
Poems |
9 |
Albert Tucker |
‘Family and Friends’: Selected Photographs |
18 |
Des Cowley |
Annotation: ‘Experiment with Death’ by Max Harris |
23 |
John Barnes |
From Barjai to Overland: A Note on Barrie Reid |
30 |
Brian Lloyd |
Reed & Harris: Publishers of the Avant Garde |
33 |
Des Cowley |
A Checklist of Reed & Harris Publications |
45 |
Juliet O'Conor |
Library Profile: Margaret Ingham |
57 |
The La Trobe Journal is edited by John Barnes, assisted by Sandra Burt, and is published twice a year by the State Library of Victoria Foundation.
ISSN 1441-3760