The La Trobe Journal
is published by the State Library of Victoria Foundation twice yearly in Autumn and Spring.
Editorial Committee: John Barnes (editor), Sandra Burt (assistant editor), John Arnold, Cathrine Harboe-Ree, Yvonne Hurley, Wallace Kirsop and Jack Moshakis.
Editorial correspondence should be addressed to: Editor, The La Trobe Journal, State Library of Victoria Foundation, 328 Swanston Street, Melbourne, Victoria 3000.
Contributions are invited on scholarly topics, and are subject to refereeing.
Opinions expressed in The La Trobe Journal are those of the individual contributors and no responsibility for them is accepted by the Editorial Committee or the State Library of Victoria Foundation.
Copyright of material published in The La Trobe Journal is vested in the author, except where stated otherwise.
Annual subscription (two issues post free): $28 (Australia) $32 (overseas)
Single copies (available from Foyer Desk of the State Library): $18 (plus $5 posted). All prices include GST.
Members of the State Library of Victoria Foundation receive The La Trobe Journal free as part of their membership.
Back Cover: A caricature (Birds of A Feather. / Sir Alexander Peacock and a friend. Pen and ink, [1915] H87. 14/5, La Trobe Picture Collection) by (Sir) David Low (1891-1963) of Sir Alexander Peacock (1861-1933), who was three times Premier of Victoria, the first occasion being in 1901–02, and member of the Victorian Parliament for 44 years. Peacock, whose nickname was ‘Kookaburra’, is described by journalist Thorold Waters in his memoirs (Much Besides Music, 1951) as ‘a right good fellow, possessed of a kookaburra cachinnation which was notorious throughout Australia’. New Zealand-born Low worked as a cartoonist in Melbourne and Sydney (on the Bulletin) before going to London and greater fame in 1919. This drawing was reproduced in Caricatures by Low (1915). As Christine Downer explains in her article, the selection of Low's work which the Library acquired in 1986 marked the beginning of the cartoon collection.
From the Editorial Chair |
2 |
Simon Reeves |
Millie Gibson Blooms Again |
5 |
Ewa Narkiewicz |
Jack Cato's Melbourne: An Interview with John Cato |
17 |
Annotations: Walter Woodbury's Panorama of Melbourne |
Alan Elliott |
1. A Photographic First? |
28 |
Mary Lewis |
2. A Key to Woodbury's Panorama |
32 |
Christine Downer |
On the Edge and Over: Cartoons in the La Trobe Picture Collection |
39 |
Vane Lindesay |
Stan Cross and Smith's Weekly |
45 |
Sandra Burt |
Library Profile: Ernest Roland Pitt |
57 |
THE LA TROBE JOURNAL is edited by John Barnes, assisted by Sandra Burt, and is published twice a year by the State Library of Victoria Foundation.
ISSN 1441-3760