State Library Victoria > La Trobe Journal

No 70 Spring 2002


Lawson's Will, which he left with bookseller James Tyrrell. Published in Sunday Times, 10 September 1922.


Bringing Lawson to Book
The Lothian Experience

On 16 February 1907 while on a business trip to Sydney, the Melbourne publisher Thomas Lothian signed a contract with Henry Lawson to publish two collections of his writing; ‘Letters to Jack Cornstalk and Other Stories', and ‘Spirit of our Father and Other Verses'. The contract was signed by both publisher and author in James Tyrrell's bookshop in Castlereagh Street, with Tyrrell himself acting as a witness.
The contract (preserved in the Lothian Papers) was a standard Lothian printed one with the author to receive a 10% royalty for each title on the published price of three shillings and sixpence. Lawson was to deliver the completed manuscript of both titles to the publisher by 1 March — only two weeks after the signing of the contract — and Lothian was to publish the two books no later than three months from receipt of manuscript. The contract declared that the author was the proprietor of the copyright of the material proposed to be published and it gave the publisher the world serial, translation and dramatic rights to the material in question.
This commercial agreement, made at the beginning of the year at a meeting that had probably ended with both men shaking hands, was in a short time revised, revised again, then broken, leading to false promises, abuse of copyright, and a falling out between author and publisher. The proposed books were not to appear for six and a half years.

The Publisher and his Author

There was an additional handwritten clause in the contract between Lawson and Lothian. It stated that the publisher would ‘pay to the Author the sum of Ten pounds on account of royalties on the signing of the agreement.’ An advance on royalties is not uncommon. In this case it represented advance payment to the author for sales of 600 copies. Given Lawson's popularity and reputation, it was a reasonable but still modest advance. However, the request was a portent of things to come.
The abstemiously inclined Lothian would probably have known of Lawson's drinking problem but he was most likely unaware of his domestic and financial situation. Shortly after his return from England in 1902, Lawson's marriage broke up and he was subsequently dogged by money problems. Failing to meet maintenance obligations for his two children, he was twice gaoled in 1905. With support from friends, journalism and a generous advance from Angus and Robertson for a proposed autobiography, he was able to cover his regular payments, and had no court appearances between July 1905 and 31 December 1907.1 In early October 1906, however, he received a letter from his wife, Bertha, which read in part:
Re the amount to be paid by you for the children. I do wish you would consider the matter seriously. It is impossible for me to keep them at Boarding School unless you pay the amount… Angus & Robertson's term2 will be up next week, and I have to look to you for the weekly amount and do not wish to have any more unpleasantness or court proceedings….3
From the time of receiving this letter, Lawson's behaviour was more and more bound up with struggling to meet his parental obligations. Colin Roderick in his biography of Lawson argues4 persuasively that Lawson's dealings with Lothian had more to do with keeping the Sheriff at bay than a desire to fulfil his terms of their contract. One would have to add that drink and a confused state of mind also played a factor. All three were no doubt linked. Roderick even suggests5 that by 1908 Lawson was bipolar. It is also possible that there were early signs of dementia caused by excessive drinking, although Lawson was only just 40.
The correspondence between Lawson and Lothian over 1907,6 interspersed with other Lawson letters of the time, paints a revealing picture of confusion and possible deception on Lawson's part, and increasing frustration on that of Lothian.
On 7 March Lothian wrote to Lawson about the copy Lawson had sent him:
I find that the prose in the first parcel you gave me is hardly sufficient for a decent volume, it will only make a little over 100 pages unless padded out very extensively, which of course you would nos[=not] like to see. In theecond parcel that you gave me mere were no stories at all, only the Bulletin sketch and a mass of early writings of the matter in the first parcel. Please let me have some stuff at your earliest convenience otherwise the book cannot be produced in three months unless I get started at once. I am trying to make arrangements to have your book printed in Sydney so there will be no reason for your coming over here.
Lawson's response two days later would have shocked Lothian:
Your note took me by surprise. Will you kindly do nothing towards publishing prose volume until I see you or write again. There are sketches, articles, and stories to be collected from back copies [of various papers] … The other M.s in second parcel was preserved because it included matter cut out of printed matter. I have new humorous stories on hand but think A & R will take them.
I had no idea you would publish anything of mine for a year at least. I have the arrangement of the prose volume (yours) all worked out in my mind, and could put it together in a day or two when I have the rest of the material in hand. There will be condensing and cutting down rather than padding — and a good deal of revising. …
Please preserve carefull[y] all old MS in parcel — I note arrangements to print in Sydney…
Lawson wrote again some nine days later on 18 March to thank Lothian for the return of one of his stories:
I must ask you to do nothing with your prose just now, as it would only injure both our reputations and maybe ruin mine. Have been working with typewriter night and day
since last letter, but will set about collecting old printed prose this week. …Your verse7 is being printed here every week, and will soon be through Bulletin.
The new humorous work [“The Editor of the Comet'] is very good, they say, and I will, no doubt bring it over
The letter was typed from the Bulletin office but Lawson added the following note in pencil:
PS I may[?] sell off all I have to you altogether and, when books are prepared for printer, go to England.
By April 1907 Lothian had begun to lose patience. On 20 April he wrote to Lawson:
I have now waited some time in the hope that you would send along some further matter. But alas!
I have had set up all the Mss you gave me, i.e. the Prose therewith [then will?] send you along the proofs. Kindly advise me if I can make a start on the Poetry at your earliest convenience.
It was about this time that Lawson changed his agreement with Lothian from a royalty-based one to that of outright sale of copyright. He signed a new agreement on 29 April which read:
Received from Thos. C. Lothian the sum of Five Pounds being part payment with Ten Pounds already paid, of the sum of Fifty Pounds, for which I agree to sell Right, Title and Interest in the Volumes of Poetry and Prose in Mss. and the Short Stories included in parcel left in this office to Mr T.C. Lothian, Publisher.
The fact that Lawson physically signed the agreement, together with the reference to material ‘left in this office', suggests that Lawson came down to Melbourne with another parcel of manuscripts. This is probably the occasion that the office-boy found Lawson lying drunk in front of Lothian's office door on a Monday morning after Lawson had come to down to Melbourne by boat from Sydney.8
According to Roderick, it was about this time that Lawson scribbled the following separate notes to George Robertson of Angus and Robertson, admitting to duplication on his part. The first stated:
I am forced to do the only dishonest action I ever did in my life (for a woman's sake). You will forgive me after it is done.9
While the second read:
I sold a thing that belongs to you by rights -States rights and all not-withstanding. I didn't do it for drink.10
Many years after his dealings with Lawson, Lothian added the following brief pencil note11 to the Lawson manuscripts in his possession:
Bought from H Lawson only to find that 7/8 had already been sold & published by Angus & Robertson
On 6 May 1907 Lothian received a handwritten note from Lawson saying:
You might send prose proofs again and I will return by next post but one.
Do you stereotype, and when?
Please send copy of our last agreement.
Spree over
Lothian responded on 9 May with the following note:
First of all let me express my great pleasure at learning that your spree is over. If you will keep it that way till I come over to Sydney I will be very glad.
He also agreed to send a copy of their agreement, and added that ‘[t]he proofs will also follow on shortly’ and that ‘I am getting your book done by linotype this time as I have stuck a very good new fount’.
Under pressure from Bertha Lawson, according to Roderick,12 Lawson had their solicitor write to Lothian regarding the new publishing arrangement. The letter, dated 15 May, began by saying that he was acting for Lawson ‘who wishes me to write you with reference to the agreement he has entered into with you re the publishing of his book’ and that Lawson has told him that some thirty-five pounds is due to him, ‘but does not know when such money should be available'. The letter concludes with a request for a copy of the agreement and the pertinent query: ‘would you … also inform me when the money will be available as Mr Lawson has some pressing demands.’
Lothian sent a copy of the agreement to Lawson's solicitor on 17 May, stating:
You will see by the agreement that he sold me a volume of Poetry and a volume of Prose. Our understanding was that the Prose was not to be published before 1st. July and the verse before the 1st. November. On the publication of the first volume he was to receive half of the £35 owing and after the publication of the verse the balance would be paid.
I may say I was very much opposed to Mr Lawson cancelling the 10% Royalty agreement I made with him when in Sydney last February but as I suppose he rejuired [= required] the money, he prefered the latter course.
Also on 17 May, Lothian sent Lawson the first set of proofs for correction.
In early June Lawson wrote to Lothian:
By this mail you will have a letter from Mr Robertson of Angus & Robertson. I have been ill, not with drink but with worry and want of rest. I have had a summons for maintenance13 and am in danger of arrest, next Friday and now I want you to send a promissory note for four months to Mr Robertson (made out in the firm's name to A & R Ltd) for the £35.0.0. And I will see the proofs through and will come over if necessary. I am quite off the drink but cannot afford to publish a weak book just now.
Fortunately for Lawson, Lothian was in Adelaide on business. The letter was opened by either his father or his brother,14 who replied promptly saying that Thomas was away,
…and in his absence I feel rather in a quandary as to what he would like me to do. I have letter from Mr Robertson15 along with yours and on the strength of what he says have determined to agree to your request. I am sending by same mail [as this letter] Promissory note to Mr Robertson for £35 at four months date payable to Messrs Angus & Robertson Ltd.
This was a coup for Lawson. By managing to persuade George Robertson to give him 35 pounds on the strength of a promissory note from Lothian, he had secured the balance of his 50 pounds in advance. One can only speculate whether Thomas Lothian would have agreed to the promissory note arrangement had he been in Melbourne to receive both Robertson's and Lawson's letters. A month later he prudently obtained a receipt from Lawson for the full payment of 50 pounds for the right and interests in various listed stories and a parcel of verse.
Lawson, having got (and quickly spent) his 35 pounds, sought other avenues of publication to raise money and neglected his publishing contract with Lothian. Sometime in August or September 1907, Lothian wrote to him about the two proposed books:
Kindly advise me at your early convenience if I may publish your volume of stores in early October, and I shall be glad to have the proofs I gave you in May with any alterations you may desire…
Lawson's response was to blame the Lone Hand for the delay. He had great faith in his story ‘The Editor of the Comet', the ‘new humorous work’ he had alluded to in his letter to Lothian of 18 March. The Lone Hand was planning to publish The Editor of the Comet’ before it appeared in the Lothian collection. Lawson showed Lothian's letter to Frank Fox, editor of the Lone Hand, who wrote on it in blue ink across the top: ‘I can't publish Comet until November’.
Lawson then sent the letter back to Lothian on 23 September, saying:
I am sorry to say that Lone Hand cannot publish the ‘Editor of the Comet’ until November, as you will see by Fox's note on top of your letter. It is our leading story. I have done and am doing my best. What shall we do? The book would be nowhere without the ‘Editor of the Comet'. Am sending proofs. The Lone Hand has handcuffed us for three months now, but the story is certain for November.
A somewhat frustrated Lothian replied the next day:
I am going to get book printed, & will withhold publication till the 5th November. If you will please let me have proofs back I will make a start.
Lawson again showed or sent Lothian's letter to Frank Fox who wrote on it:
Quite impossible to use ‘The Editor of the Comet'16 Now [Nov]. I am just going to press and have ‘Strangers Friend’ in type and illustrated so you must keep back that item from book publication as yet.
And again Lawson replied by returning the letter to Lothian with another of his own. On 1 October he wrote:
You will see, by attached, that they have disappointed us again. However I am sending you, by this mail, two stories (‘Mateship” and “The Stranger's Friend”) which I hope, will amply repay you for the loss of the “The Editor of the Comet”. I was going to write a lot more, but, in looking through the proofs, which are pretty correct in themselves, I find a lot of matter missing, and, as I will be in Melbourne on Monday next you had best wait till then before doing anything in the manner of paging &c. …
About this time Lothian went on a business trip to England. He returned late in December via Sydney and met with Lawson. Their meeting led to the somewhat acrimonious exchange of letters. Henry appears to have sent two on the same day.17 The first asked Lothian to ‘kindly send me back copies of “The Stranger's Friend” and “Mateship”’ while the second was marked ‘Private’ and read:
When I saw you in Angus and Robertson you went out of your way to insult me. I only wanted to see you for your own advantage. You gave me £50 for what was worth £150. You acted like a consummate little cad.
Lothian replied almost immediately:
Dear Mr Lawson,
If you can truly think that there has been the slightest pleasure in my doing business with you, that my former experiences should make me anxious or pleased to meet you, then I will apologise.
After destroying three Agreements, and preparing new ones for reasons that you are well aware of, after obliging you by paying for books that were guaranteed to be ready for publication three months from acceptance, (and it will be over twelve according to your last week's advice, before any start can be made on them); after other interviews that I remember well, I regret that I fail to see why I should desire any fresh interviews.
From my point of view, your letter is just about “the last straw”.
Lothian did not return the two stories as requested but nor did Lawson ever return the promised proofs.
Correspondence was eventually resumed. On 6 July 1910 Lawson responded to a letter (now apparently lost) from Lothian, presumably about postponing the publications, saying:
Your letter took a weight off my mind. I had thought that you by trying to publish the whole mess of copy I left with you would spoil the book. I do not think that you can do

Letter to T.C. Lothian, 1 October 1907. Original in Lothian Papers.

anything better than to print ‘Mateship’ and “The Stranger's Friend’ exactly as they are in those copies I sent to you, restoring all, as I told you before. You had better print from my typewriter copies, and forward me proofs at once…. And I will see that those proofs are returned by next mail.
The bundle of proofs [of] “The Triangles of Life” were left in a place I was at once, and I have never been able to get them back since….
But with their relationship soured and Lawson admitting to losing the proofs of ‘Triangles of Life', coupled with the fact that the Sydney printer engaged to do the printing went broke,18 no further proofs for the time being were sent to Lawson and the Lawson collections were put aside. However, Lothian did proceed with Lawson's suggestion of printing Mateship and The Stranger's Friend which appeared as part of his Miniature series of Australian authors in 1911. But it was to be a further two years before the contracted collections of stories and verse were to appear.19

The Publication of the Two Collections

Lawson's erratic behaviour was not the only reason for the delayed publication of the two books. As Cecily Close demonstrates in her accompanying article, Lothian was planning and overseeing an ambitious publishing program in the years from 1907 until the early years of the First World War. In addition to the many books, there was also the literary periodical, The Native Companion (1907-08). He also moved offices in 1910, resulting in a ‘great deal of confusion'.20
Lothian travelled again to England in late 1911, leaving the affairs of his business in Melbourne to his manager, Mr E.A. Wood. The cable news of the latter's sudden death reached Lothian on only his second or third day in London. He immediately tried to book a return passage but could not obtain a berth for three to four weeks. He arrived back in Australia in late January or early February with ‘a mountain load of paperwork and business to catch-up on'.21
In 1912 he also began his involvement in the Standard Publishing Company, a business that distributed books by subscription directly to the public rather than through the trade. On 28 August 1912 Lothian wrote to his London printer, Butler and Tanner, about the business:
I am very much interested in a Subscription Book Company here, the Standard Publishing Company, of which I am a Director. The company is going to handle early next year, some 20 odd volumes of Australian Poets, and I am to supply them with three bound volumes. The other volumes are being bought from other booksellers [ie publishers?] who have Australian rights.22
Lothian's business relationship with Butler and Tanner was a close and friendly one, and the firm usually handled the English distribution of most of the books published by Lothian between 1909 and the beginning of the First World War.
Despite the delays and setbacks, the Lawson books were still in Lothian's publishing program. On 15 January 1913 he wrote to Butler and Tanner with clear
instructions for the printing and binding of the two books. The letter read:
I am posting by registered mail, MS. for a Volume of Prose and a Volume of Poetry by Henry Lawson. I want both these books to bulk up well, and should not be smaller than Cassidy23 at the very least. A little bigger won't hurt at all.
The prose which I send you, you will see is in lino. It was set up by one of our printers here who went bankrupt, and he returned24 the lino before I could get hold of it. You will find the lino matter wants careful reading. When the printers failed some seven or eight years25 ago, the MS. was unfortunately lost or stolen, but I think with a little care you will be able to make sense out of it all.
I should like both these books to be very well printed indeed, and would like you to use the paper which you put into Hubert Church's Poems26 with both of them. I prefer in all my books a good straight white wove antique paper, but it must be white and not any yellow stuff like you put into Gay.27 Both books want to bulk up pretty well — 250 to 300 or so pages.
I have not decided on a title name for either of these volumes so that when you send me out two proof copies of the Prose, you will make allowance for that fact. I am also going to arrange the Poetry when I get your proof, but as you start every new poem on a separate page, this will not cause much trouble afterwards. I will also advise you of the title for the Poetry as well.
Both these books, along with that of Grant Harvey,28 will be used with the Standard [Publishing Company] imprint at first, so consequently only smaller editions will be wanted. If you will push them on and send me out proofs at your very earliest, I shall be glad, so that there will be no delay.
Butler and Tanner replied on 21 February:
Lawsons Prose volume
We are duly in receipt of your esteemed instructions with the set of proofs, we shall send you proof in slip by next mail if anyhow possible, we notice that some of the slips are not complete, the matter not running on, so thought it best to send proof before making up into pages, otherwise it might run up the cost of corrections. We enclose a specimen page, like this the book will make about 256pp if you wish we can bulk out more by leading & a few lines less on the page…
Lawsons Poetry volume
The copy has come safely to hand except 2 Poems are missing viz Banquet of Stinking Sharks, & Sorrows of a Simple Bard, no doubt if you send copy for these 2 Poems they can come at the end, to avoid remaking up, set like the enclosed specimen pages the book makes 224pp, but in view of your wish that it bulks more we are setting less on a page to make it about 250pp, complete proof we hope to send you by next mail.
On 7 March proofs of the poems were sent to Lothian with a note, pointing out that there were several ‘queries for the Author to kindly answer'. A week later proofs of the prose volume were posted to Australia, again coupled with a cautionary note that
‘in several places the copy you sent me is not complete, but no doubt the Author can supply the missing words’.

Source: Lothian Papers.

On 9 April Lothian returned the proofs of the poems, saying:
Herewith we are returning by post proof copy of Poems of Henry Lawson corrected as we wish it printed. The title is to be “For Australia, and Other Poems”. Please print 1000 sheets on the same high class white paper as you used for Hubert Church.
As this is being printed primarily for The Standard Publishing Company, will you kindly put their imprint on 250 sheets and bind these 250 in the uniform cloth and design similar to that used for Brady, O'Dowd,29 etc. Should you not get Fisher Unwin or any other publisher to take the book up, please use 25 of these bound copies for review purposes and advise Durrant's Press Agency accordingly, but in the event of another publisher taking sheets, kindly note to bind 210 only of Lawson's Poems, and do not send out review copies.
Lothian wrote to Butler and Tanner on 22 April 1913 regarding the proofs of the prose volume:
These we have sent on to the author, and hope to have it back to you again in a week or so, though he is such a difficult man to catch, and generally in such an impossible position when caught, that it may be necessary to correct the proofs ourselves, but we must give him the option of doing them.
Some two weeks later the ‘corrected’ proofs were sent back to Butler and Tanner:
Herewith we are posting you corrected proofs of Henry Lawson's Prose. The title of the Volume will be “Triangles of Life and Other Stories” … We understand Lawson was not quite sober when he made the corrections on the proof sheets, and it is more than likely that there will be some few other alterations which he has not corrected. You have full power to make whatever alterations you think necessary on the MS, so that the book will be as free from errors as possible. (7 May 1913)
By late June 1913 the books were almost finished. An advance copy of For Australia was dispatched by Butler and Tanner on 4 July, but there was a slight delay with Triangles of Life as the ‘proofs have required a certain amount of editing'. The first consignment of both titles was shipped to Australia in late July and invoices for their printing were sent by Butler and Tanner on 1 August. That for Triangles of Life had an additional cost, as the ‘charges for Authors corrections includes a second special reading, the Author having been very careless in correcting his slip proofs’.
Both titles appeared under the imprint of the Standard Publishing Company. On 9 April 1913 Lothian had written to his contact at Butler and Tanner, H. Aris, about his plans for both books, also asking him to act as the company's London agent. The latter agreed to do this after seeking approval from his employers. In this role he made attempts to place the volume of Lawson's short stories, firstly with Fisher Unwin and later with other English publishers, but to no avail.
The sheets of the For Australia and Triangles of Life remained with Butler and Tanner who arranged binding for Lothian in lots on demand. In 1916 the two titles were reissued using the original sheets under the imprint of the Lothian Book Publishing Company. For Australia eventually went out of print, but as late as 1929 copies of Triangles of Life were still available from the publisher at six shillings a copy.30

An Afterword

Despite his unrewarding and frustrating dealings with Henry Lawson, Lothian was still willing to chip in when the Lawson hat was sent round after the author's death. In 1928 he became a Life Member of the Footscray-based Henry Lawson Memorial Society, and in 1931, as one of Lawson's publishers, wrote a one-page testimonial to be read at the society's annual meeting.
The handsome certificate with which Lothian was presented by the Henry Lawson Society in 1938 stated that Life Membership was awarded for ‘Unselfish and Generous Services rendered to this Society and Australian Literature generally'. It was an appropriate form of recognition. Given the history of their publishing relationship, and their respective backgrounds and characters, Henry Lawson and Thomas Lothian could hardly be described as kindred spirits, let alone friends. But both men — the Scottish-born Australian publisher and the Australian-born author — were for Australia.
John Arnold
John Arnold is Head of the School of Political and Social Inquiry in the Faculty of Arts at Monash University. A long-time member and office-bearer of the Friends of the State Library of Victoria/Library Foundation, he was one of the co-editors of the 1981 Henry Lawson issue of the La Trobe Library Journal.


Details of Lawson's court appearances and gaol terms are given in Colin Roderick, Henry Lawson: Commentaries on His Prose Writings, Sydney, Angus and Robertson, 1985, p. 295.


Possibly referring here to the end of payments for the planned autobiography, see Roderick, Commentaries, pp. 321-24.


Original in the Lothian Papers. Text reproduced in the ‘Henry Lawson’ issue of the La Trobe Library Journal, vol. 7, no. 28, October 1981, p. 83.


Colin Roderick, Henry Lawson: A Life, Sydney, Angus & Robertson, 1981, pp. 278-84. Roderick even suggests, quoting as evidence a conversation he had with Thomas Lothian in 1959, some 50 years after the event, that James Tyrrell and Henry Lawson combined to trap Lothian into having dealings with Lawson. This is perhaps drawing too long a bow.


Roderick, Henry Lawson, p. 285.


All quoted letters are in a folder marked ‘Business corres between Henry Lawson & Thomas Lothian’ in Box XXI (A) of the Lothian Papers, unless otherwise stated.


The ‘your prose’ and ‘your verse’ mentioned here refers to the stories and poems to be separately published by Lothian.


Story based on two versions of the incident given by Lothian many years later, the first in a conversation with Colin Roderick in 1959 (Roderick, Henry Lawson, p. 280) and in a 1961 letter to Harry Chaplin (Henry Lawson: His Books, Manuscripts, Autograph Letters and Association Copies…, Studies in Australian Bibliography no. 21, Sydney, Wentworth Press, 1974, p. 40).


Letter reproduced in Colin Roderick, ed., Henry Lawson Letters, 1890-1922, Sydney, Angus and Robertson, 1970, no. 164, p. 158.


Letter reproduced in Roderick, Letters, no. 165, p. 158.


Roderick, Henry Lawson, p. 278, implies that was written at the time of Lothian's dealing with Lawson but it is clearly written at least a few if not some years later. It is written on the back of a Commonwealth Savings Bank of Australia withdrawal form. The Bank itself did not commence operations until June 1912 and the design of the form suggests a later date.


Roderick, Henry Lawson, p. 280.


Confirmed by Roderick, Henry Lawson, p. 281.


Roderick (Henry Lawson, p. 281) suggests Lothian's brother but the fact that Lawson added ‘Respects to Dad’ at the end of a letter to Lothian of 1 October suggests that he might have been the one to agree to the promissory note.


Unfortunately not kept with the Lawson cache in the Lothian Papers.


As it turned out ‘The Editor of the Comet’ was never published in the Lone Hand nor, for that matter, by Lothian, and remained unpublished until 1981 when an edited version of the incomplete manuscript in the Lothian Papers was published in the ‘Henry Lawson Issue’ of the La Trobe Library Journal, op. cit.


Roderick in his edition of Lawson's Letters (nos 172 and 173, p. 164) has both been written on and dated by Lawson ‘Sydney 3 December', but in his Henry Lawson (p. 282) he has the two letters being a fortnight apart.


Possibly the printer of the Mining Standard; see Roderick, Henry Lawson, p. 280.


See George Mackaness, An Annotated Bibliography of Henry Lawson, Sydney, Angus and Robertson, 1952 and Harry F Chaplin, Henry Lawson: His Books, Manuscripts, Autograph Letters and Association Copies…, Studies in Australian Bibliography no. 21, Sydney, Wentworth Press, 1974, for full details of the various Lawson titles issued by Lothian.


Lothian to Butler and Tanner, 28 Aug. 1910. All references to and quotations from letters to and from Lothian and Butler and Tanner are from various ‘Butler and Tanner’ and ‘Printer's Quotations’ folders in the Lothian Papers.


Lothian to Butler and Tanner, 6 Feb. 1912.


Lothian to Butler and Tanner, 28 Aug. 1912.


R.J. Cassidy, Land of the Southern Cross and Other Verses, published by Lothian in 1911.


I think he means here that the printer melted down the linotype resulting in there being no actual set type remaining, only the galley proofs.


Lothian is slightly exaggerating here. The printer was contracted to set Lawson's text sometime in the first half of 1907, not 1906 or even 1905 as he implies.


Book of verse published by Lothian in 1911.


William Gay, The Complete Poetical Works…, published by Lothian in 1911.


Grant Hervey, Australia Yet and Other Verses, published by Lothian in 1913.


E.J. Brady, Bushland Ballads and Bernard O'Dowd, The Bush, published by Lothian in 1910 and 1912 respectively.


Lothian to Secretary, Henry Lawson Memorial and Literary Society, Footscray, 15 March 1929. Lothian Papers, Box XVIII.