We who listened to his talks and admired his deep love of all mankind, and his clear understanding of what is needed if peace is to be preserved, feel that what he said should not be allowed to fade from the memory of the Australian people.Richard Boyer, 19471
From the day in 1928 when, at a luncheon of our institute, I sat beside this former opponent of Passchendaele days, I have never ceased to wonder at his discernment and fair and unswerving statement of the real causes of international moves.Charles Bean, 19469
It is not Heine the poet, the greatest lyrical writer of the last three hundred years, of whom I shall speak tonight, but of Heine, the political seer, the political analyst, who, next to Nietzsche, x-rayed the German character like none before or since.Kurt Offenburg, 194520
Offenburg is a German author, recently resident in Sydney.E. Morris Miller, 194035
I wish these people would be given a proper European memorial, not to appease our conscience but to summon the courage of future generations.Fritz Stern, 200546
Photograph of Paula Pentley, n.d. but mid to late 1940s. Courtesy of her son Martin Pentley via Walter Struve.
R.J.F. Boyer, ‘The Kurt Offenburg Memorial Fund’ [a printed sheet announcing the launch of a Kurt Offenburg Memorial Appeal on 16 May 1947]. | |
‘Memorial Gift of Books for Library’, The Age, 3 June 1950, p.4. | |
‘Kurt Offenburg Memorial’, The Sydney Morning Herald, 15 April 1949, p.8. | |
I. Clunies Ross to Mrs. O. Pentley, 1 September 1955; National Archives of Australia (NAA): A10651, 1CR22/40. | |
See, for example, the Library Board of Victoria's Annual Report for 2001-02 (p.88), 2002-03 (p.123), and 2003-04 (p.82), where ‘Offenburg’ consistently appears as ‘Ofenberg’. | |
For a preliminary investigation, see my article, ‘Who was Kurt Offenburg?’, ISAA Review, vol.3, no.2, Nov. 2004, pp.6-13. | |
‘Will miss forthright voice of Offenburg’, The ABC Weekly, 1 June 1946, p.40. | |
C.E.W. Bean, ‘Broadcast commentary, 2 F.C., 1.15 p.m. 23 May 1946’; NAA: SP300/1, 1946/Bean, Dr CEW. | |
‘Dr. Bean's Tribute’, The Sydney Morning Herald, 17 May 1946, p.4. Bean was referring to the Institute of Journalists, of which he was president. | |
Kurt Offenburg, World in Dust: a Personal Record, Sydney, Gayle, 1945, p.29. Offenburg was born on 25 November 1898, hence turned 20 just after the end of the First World War. His father, Josef Dreifuss, had died on 17 July 1915, at the age of 49. | |
Kurt Offenburg, ‘Nach zehn Jahren’ [‘After Ten years’], Deutsche Republik, 2. Jahrgang, 2. Teil, April-Sept. 1928, Heft 52, pp.1671-78; and ‘Rüstkammer des Todes’ [‘Arsenal of Death’], Frankfurter Zeitung, 2 Aug. 1928. | |
A listing of his books appears as an appendix to this article. Note that, in an interview given in Sydney in 1930, Offenburg mentioned also a second novel, Und jede nimmt und gibt zugleich (could this have been serialized in a periodical?), and two plays, Kitsch in Variationen, and Der Olympiasieger; see ‘Interesting Visitors at “The Australia”: Mr. Kurt Offenburg’, The Australia Handbook, vol.6, no.3, Dec. 1930, p.17. | |
Kurt Offenburg, ‘Arbeiterdichtung der Gegenwart’ [‘Contemporary Worker Poetry’], Deutsche Republik, 2. Band, 1. Jahrgang, April-Sept. 1927, Heft 37, pp.469,471. | |
Kurt Offenburg, ‘In memoriam Gerrit Engelke’, Deutsche Republik, 3. Jahrgang, Band III, 1. Teil, Okt.-März 1928/1929, Heft 3, p.80. | |
Engelke was born on 21 October 1890 and died on 13 October 1918, a week short of his twenty-eighth birthday; Offenburg, in his Arbeiterdichtung der Gegenwart, Frankfurt am Main, Mittelland-Verlag, 1925, p.66, incorrectly gave Engeleke's year of birth as 1894. Owen was killed on the Western Front on 4 November 1918, a week before the Armistice. | |
It is thanks to Kneip that much of Engelke's writings was collected and published; see, for example, Gerritt Engelke, Vermächtnis, aus dem Nachlaß herausgegeben von Jakob Kneip, Leipzig, Paul List, 1937. A poem by Kneip is included in Offenburg's anthology, Der ewige Garten: ein Buch der Einkehr, Berlin, Verlag der Büchergilde Gutenberg, 1928, p.170. | |
‘Werkleute auf Haus Nyland’ was founded in 1912 by Kneip, Josef Winckler (1881-1966) and Wilhelm Vershofen (1878-1960). Gerrit Engelke has been described as ‘the most original’ of them; see Patrick Bridgwater, The German Poets of the First World War, London, Croom Helm, 1985, p.141. | |
Arbeitedichtung der Gegenwart, p.66. | |
World in Dust, p.54. | |
Kurt Offenburg, ‘News Review’, 13 December, 1945, 2 FC, 9.05 pm; NAA: SP 369/2. | |
J.P. Stern, Re-interpretations: Seven Studies in Nineteenth-Century German Literature, London, Thames and Hudson, 1964, p.208. | |
World in Dust, p.9. | |
Offenburg's death certificate indicates that problems began in February 1945; NSW Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages, 1946/007195. See also the obituary, ‘Vale Kurt Offenburg’, A.B.C. Federal Publicity Bulletin, no.386, 9 June 1946, where his health problems are described. | |
For Heine the lyrical writer, see Kurt Offenburg, ‘Deutsche Lyrik des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts’, Der Bücherkreis, 5. Jahrgang, Heft 10/11, Okt.-Nov. 1929, pp.150-1. | |
Details skimmed over here are from the Stadt Offenburg Archiv und Museum, the Universitätsarchiv, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, the Institut für Stadtgeschichte Frankfurt am Main, and the Jüdisches Museum Frankfurt am Main. | |
World in Dust, pp.16,26,60. | |
Kurt Offenburg, ‘Brennende Erde’, Die Aktion: Zeitschrift für freiheitliche Politik und Literatur, no. 1/2, 1921; this review was reprinted in the volume, Färbt ein weiβes Blütenblatt sich rot: Erich Mühsam, ein Leben in Zeugnissen und Selbstzeugnissen, ed. Wolfgang Teichmann, Berlin, Der Morgen, 1978, p. 151. Mühsam's subsequent murder by German authorities (in July 1934) was described to Australian audiences by Egon Kisch (1865-1948) during his controversial visit of 1934/35; see Heidi Zogbaum, Kisch in Australia: the Untold Story, Melbourne, Scribe, 2004, p.109. | |
Kurt Offenburg, ‘Alfons Paquet’, Die Glocke, no.8, 1922, pp. 1157–61, 1178-83. | |
Kurt Offenburg, ‘New-York’, Der Bücherkreis, 3. Jahrgang, Heft 3, März 1927, pp.45-48. | |
Kurt Offenburg, ‘Joyce: Ulysses’, Deutsche Republik, 2. Jahrgang, 2. Teil, April-Sept. 1928, Heft 35, pp. 1137–39; the article appeared also in the Münchener Post, 31 May 1928. | |
Kurt Offenburg to Armin T. Wegner, 14 November 1924; Deutsches Literaturarchiv Marbach, HS001678388. | |
Kurt Offenburg to Dressler, 17 January 1925 and 12 December 1925; Fritz-Hüser-Institut für deutsche und ausländische Arbeiterliteratur, Dortmund, Dressler and Ernst Preczang (1870-1949) had, in 1924, founded the Büchergilde Gutenberg, publishers of Offenburg's fifth book. | |
Kurt Offenburg, ‘Alte Eiche’, Der ewige Garten: ein Buch der Einkehr, Berlin, Verlag der Büchergilde Gutenberg, 1928, pp.171-3. | |
Kurt Offenburg, ‘Civis Britannicus Sum’, The Sydney Morning Herald, 30 July 1938, p.13. | |
E. Morris Miller, Australian Literature, from its Beginnings to 1935: a Descriptive and Bibliographical Survey of Books by Australian Authors in Poetry, Drama, Fiction, Criticism and Anthology, with Subsidiary Entries to 1938, Melbourne University Press, 1940, p.934. | |
‘Embodied Voices: Commentators on International Affairs’, The Home, 1 June 1940, p. 16. See also Kurt Offenburg, ‘Symphony of Travel’, The BP Magazine, 1 Sept. 1934, pp.40-41, 97. | |
Kurt Offenburg, Does Russia Matter?, Sydney, Gale, 1941, [p.95]. | |
See Kurt Offenburg, ‘China — the Inscrutable?’, The BP Magazine, 1 March 1935, p.39; for a sense of his deep affection for Chinese tradition and civilization, see Kurt Offenburg, ‘The Happy Stomach’, The BP Magazine, 1 June 1942, p.55. | |
Neville Petersen, News not Views: the ABC, the Press, & Politics, 1932-1947, Sydney, Hale & Iremonger, 1993, p.138. | |
See Offenburg's Statutory Declaration (16 September 1936) that accompanied his Application for Certificate of Naturalization; NAA: A1, 1936/11104. | |
Six articles under the general title, ‘Das australische Experiment’, appeared in the Frankfurter Zeitung as follows: (1) ‘Die Nachkriegssünden’ [The Post-War Sins], 8 May 1931; (2) ‘Der Farmer ohne Geld’ [The Farmer without Money], 12 May 1931; (3) ‘Die australische Industrie — ein “Wasserkopf” [Australian Industry — a ‘Sick’ Industry], 14 May 1931; (4) ‘Australische Gegensätze und Besonderheiten’ [Australian Contrasts and Peculiarities], 5 June 1931; (5) ‘Australien ein Arbeiterparadies?’ [Australia a Workers' Paradise?], 23 June 1931; and (6) ‘Quo vadis Australia?’ [Where is Australia heading?], 29 June 1931. The first three articles appeared in English, under the title ‘Australia Goes Broke’, The Living Age, July 1931, pp.462-468. The first two had also appeared (in a different English version) in The Sydney Morning Herald, 13 January 1931, p.8, and 14 January 1931, p. 12. | |
See The Austral-Asiatic Bulletin, vol.1, no.5, Dec.-Jan. 1937-38, p.3. | |
Offenburg's first marriage, with Olga Abramson, was dissolved. | |
‘Published March, 1941’ (Offenburg's note). | |
Kurt Offenburg, ‘News Review: 2FC, 9.05 p.m., 29 November 1945’; NAA: SP 369/2. | |
Fritz Stern, ‘Lessons from German history’, Foreign Affairs, vol.84, no.3, May/June 2005, p.17. | |
For a succinet overview, see G.D. Paterson (Perpetual Trustee Company Limited, Sydney) to Acting Secretary, Library Council, National Museum & Science Museum of Victoria, 19 January 1978; Library Council of Victoria, Bequests & Donations, Kurt Offenburg File. | |
‘Kurt Offenburg Memorial Fund’, The Sydney Morning Herald, 18 December 1947, p.16. | |
C.A. McCallum to Rev. Dr. C. Irving Benson, 8 December 1947; State Library of Victoria (SLV) Corporate Archives SEC Series: Kurt Offenburg Memorial Fund. Minutes of the Public Library Trustees' meeting of 19 December 1947 recorded that the Memorial Library was ‘to be accepted if offered’. | |
I. Clunies Ross to Mrs. P. Pentley, 8 December 1947; NAA: A10651, 1CR22/40. | |
Typed sheet, ‘Kurt Offenburg Opening, 2nd June, 1950: Visitors expected’, with handwritten annotation: ‘Copy to Dr. Benson’; SLV Corporate Archives SEC Series: Kurt Offenburg Memorial Fund. | |
Paula Pentley to Colin McCallum, 20 June 1950; SLV Corporate Archives SEC Series: Kurt Offenburg Memorial Fund. | |
Karel Axel Lodewycks, The Funding of Wisdom: Revelations of a Library's Quarter Century, Melbourne, Spectrum, 1982, p.82. Lodewycks (1910-90) worked at the Public Library of Victoria before his appointment, in 1948, as deputy librarian of the University of Melbourne (and later chief librarian). | |
‘1914-1918 War: Recollections of No. 7887, Private Colin Alexander McCallum, 7th Field Ambulance, Australian Army Medical Corps A.I.F.’, included in Ronald East, More about the East Family and Related Pioneers: Yules, Milligans, Hoopers, McCallums, Neethlings, Males, Quicks, Phillips, Keys, Burchetts, Greenwards, privately published, 1988, pp.409-418. | |
In the following month their surname was changed from from ‘Pentlarz’ to ‘Pentley’; NAA: C123/1, 7199. | |
Letter from Martin Pentley, 8 February 2006. | |
O. Pentley to C.A. McCallum, 2 June 1957; SLV Corporate Archives SEC Series: Bequests & Donations, Pentley, O. | |
O. Pentley to C.A. McCallum, 18 April 1958. | |
Offenburg consistently included this work in listings of his books (in Australia he referred to it as ‘Profiles of European Novelists’), but it does not appear in the Gesamtverzeichnis des deutschsprachigen Schriftums (GV), 1911-1965, or in the Offenburg entry in Deutsches Literatur-Lexikon: biographisch-bibliographisches Handbuch (3rd ed, 1988), and I know of no actual copy anywhere. Kürschners Deutscher Literatur-Kalender auf das Jahr 1930 does list it, but with a 1927 publication date. It is advertised in the back of Offenburg's book, Arbeiterdichtung der Gegenwart (1925), p.207, as available; correspondence between Offenburg and Bruno Dressler in 1925 give valuable clues on what went wrong. |