'Show me the books a man reads, and I will tell you what manner of man he is.'
Sir Redmond Barry's Interest in books and book collecting in both his public and personal life has been well documented. There is ample evidence of Barry as a voracious and wide-ranging reader, book buyer and champion of the reading of others.
2 He was passionate about books and reading and by his own admission the sight of an impressive and valuable library collection was enough to make his 'teeth water'.
3 This passion was manifested in the boundless energy he put into the building of institutions that enhance intellectual life and development in the community.
4 Barry was acutely conscious of what books and libraries could offer the community and at the heart of his awareness was a belief in the 'public's right to indulge an appetite for knowledge'.
While Barry is remembered as the driving force behind the world-class collection of the Melbourne Public Library,
6 his literary interests went beyond his public endeavours to promote books and reading. Throughout his life Barry also engaged in his own personal pursuit of the culture that literature and books can afford. In books he found both treasure and solace.
7 From an early age he immersed himself in the classic authors. As an adult he continued the rigorous reading program that had become routine in his teenage years
8 and was also a regular buyer of books for both professional and general interest.
9 By the time of his death, his personal library numbered over 3,000 items, a sizable private collection by colonial standards. And even without detailed examination of individual titles, a collection of this size stands as an outward and visible sign of its owner's acquaintance with books and reading.
The focus of this article is a small group of 46 books from Barry's private library, all bar two that have been kept together at St Mary's College. Although not significant in terms of number of items—a little over fifteen percent of Barry's library—the detail within many of the volumes reveals something about each items history and use since its publication. Many of the items in the group have inscriptions and annotations in Barry's own hand that provide evidence as to when they were acquired for his private collection and how they were used. Based on the premise that a personal library and the personality of the collector are closely related a closer examination of this group of books from Barry's collection will confirm what is already known about Barry's intellectual curiosities, and contribute further insights into how and when he used his collection.
Reconstructing personal libraries relies on locating catalogues, archival material and the books themselves. Barry's personal library was dispersed at auction in March 1881. According to notices of the auction sales in the
Argus his total collection at this time included about 3,000 items. The broad subject areas, as reported in the
Argus, were wide and included items in English, Greek, Latin, French, and covering Literature, History, Fine Arts, and Australiana.
10 Unfortunately, the catalogues of these auctions have been lost so there is no bibliographical record of the individual items that were offered for sale.
Based on the description in the
Argus, titles in the group of books that are the focus of this article are representative of Barry's larger collection. There are 28 titles in 46 volumes. Two of the items are from the Newman College Rare Books collection and 44 are from the St Mary's College collection (see Appendix). The subject matter includes literature, classics, essays, and poetry with works in Latin, French and English. The titles range in publishing date from 1733
12 to 1877.
13 While this group of books appears to include both
early and late additions to Barry's library, there is a strong emphasis on items that may have been early acquisitions by him. Sixteen items still have their original binding while 30 volumes in the St Mary's group have been sympathetically rebound preserving the original covers. This rebinding was done in the late 1950s by a continentally-trained bookbinder known to the then Principal of the College, Mother Francis. It is believed that Sir Hugh Devine, a prominent Melbourne surgeon,
14 donated a collection of rare books to St Mary's College in the 1950s, which included these books owned by Barry. It is not known how and when Hugh Devine acquired the Barry books.
The fact that items in this group were part of Barry's library is easy to establish. All items in the group have either Barry's bookplate, are inscribed 'Redmond Barry' in Barry's own hand or have both a bookplate and inscription. Of the 27 volumes that are inscribed 'Redmond Barry', 21 are also inscribed with a date. There are 10 books with a bookplate and inscription of 'Redmond Barry'. And there are 14 items with a bookplate but no other mark of ownership. Of the 24 items that have a Barry bookplate, 23 have the bookplate that is the commonest mark of a 'Carlton Gardens or Valetta House provenance'.
15 (see figure 1) Barry lived on the corner of Rathdowne and Pelham Streets opposite Carlton Gardens from 1856 to 1876, and from there he moved to Valetta House at 4 Clarendon Street, East Melbourne.
The bookplate in volume eight of the Spectator has a variation of the Carlton Gardens/Valetta House bookplate (see figure 2).
Detail about the scope of Barry's larger collection can be found in two lists made by Barry of some of his books. One of these lists, titled
Sir Redmond Barry Inventory, was made four years before his death, when he moved from Carlton Gardens to East Melbourne in 1876.
16 This inventory includes details about furniture and books in the Carlton Gardens house. The content of each bookcase in the drawing room is listed. Bibliographic detail for the listed books is limited and only includes authors and approximate titles (for example 'Works', 'Poetry') and most probably includes some items from the St Mary's group. For example, Ossian (Case # 5, between windows), Cowley (Case # 5, between windows) and Cowper (Case # 3, Left of fireplace)
17 are all listed. However, there are no dates or publishing details so it is impossible to match exact items. Nonetheless the
Inventory is a useful starting point for analyzing the scope of Barry's collection.
Even a superficial analysis of the authors in the
Inventory gives a clear indication of a library of an educated man that is an exemplar of 'sophisticated readership'.
18 Listed works represent wide-ranging cultural interests as may be expected of a typical British gentleman and befitting a man of Barry's status and role in Melbourne. Authors like Coleridge, Cicero, Hall, Niebuhr are listed in the
Inventory and are all authors that would typically have been in an English gentleman's library in the late eighteenth or early nineteenth century.
19 The
Edinburgh Review is listed, and is an example of a title that was perceived at the time as being
a valuable literary authority, which 'no genteel family can pretend to be without'.
Inventory lists both great literature of the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, authors like Pope, Cowper and Coleridge, alongside more popular poets that were distinctive of the Victorian age like Tennyson and Alexander Smith, and widely read Victorian novelists like Dickens, Scott, and Lever. Another list made by Barry, perhaps prior to the
Inventory, is arranged by subject and reflects an earlier period of collecting.
21 The authors in this list also overlap with authors in the St Mary's group, for example, Le Sage and Scarron are listed in the 'French' category. Other French authors in the St Mary's lot that represent Barry's interest in reading foreign languages include La Fontaine and Rabelais.
22 has analysed the titles in these two lists in much detail and has also identified characteristics beyond what may be expected of the library of a learned gentleman. According to Kirsop, apart from showing Barry's wide-ranging interests, there is also a personal Irish bias and 'unashamed curiosity in the Australian past'
23 which are not necessary typical of all colonial readers of the time. Examples which demonstrate interest in the Australian past and future include accounts of voyages of discovery and titles like the
Australian Magazine which was the first published colonial periodical.
The titles in the St Mary's group reflect very much the eighteenth century trend in Barry's collection with authors like Pope, Ossian, Smart, and Le Sage. Literature that blends comedy and sentiment was typical in the second half of the eighteenth century and is also well represented in this group with works by Sterne, Anstey and Cowper.
25 Novels, which were likely to be in an eighteenth century gentlemen's library like
Don Quixote, are also present. However, the St Mary's books also include a good representation of the classics including some of Barry's favourite authors like Horace and Catullus.
26 Other known books of Barry's that have survived also reflect these two lists to varying degrees. There are books from Barry's library held in the State Library of Victoria,
27 the University of Melbourne Library, mostly relating to Law,
28 and in the Supreme Court of Victoria Library, also relating to Law.
As already mentioned, the two lists Barry made of his books reveal to a certain extent his intellectual interests and curiosity and are an important part of any attempt to reconstruct the reading done by Barry. But, as Kirsop acknowledges, reconstructing Barry's library is difficult
29 as the lack of detail in these lists frustrates any attempt to create an exact catalogue of Barry's collection. Moreover the lists alone do not expose anything of Barry as a reader, that is, what he thought of particular titles or how his response to particular works may have affected his actions or formed his thinking. Kirsop and Galbally
30 have used other documents like Barry's Day Books and correspondence to uncover more personal details of Barry's reading history and trace Barry's reading at various stages of his life. But an investigation into this aspect is still very difficult to do without examining the books
themselves. It is the books themselves that are 'crucial to any really effective assessment of the significance of titles owned by individuals'.
31 Pertinent details about the individual items that cannot be gleaned from an inventory of titles are revealed only by a close physical examination of these items. It is the books themselves that may offer the most insight into when and how items were acquired, whether they were read and if so, the level of engagement of the reader with the text.
A total of 21 items in the St Mary's group are inscribed with a date in Barry's hand. These dates provide a marker of when Barry used and acquired these items. Of these items, 13 volumes are dated before 1835, which identifies them as being used when Barry was studying in Dublin. In the three years from 1833 Barry was a student at Trinity College, Dublin where 'he developed his interest in English literature as well as the classics'.
32 Items in the St Mary's group which are signed and dated by Barry while he was at Trinity College include: 9 volumes of
The Works of Alexander Pope33 (inscribed November 1834),
Smart's Horace (inscribed 1835) and 3 volumes of Cowley poems (inscribed 1834). The popular and influential novel
34 The Life of Tristram Shandy has been inscribed with the slightly later date of 1837. This places it in his time after Trinity when Barry was at Lincoln's Inn in London.
On 27April 1839 Barry sailed for Sydney on the
Calcutta. Before he left he catalogued and packed his books.
35 It can be supposed that the books in the St Mary's group that are inscribed with a date before 1839 (Sterne, Pope, Cowley, Smart) were part of this shipment. And certainly his Day Book from this period indicates Pope was among his reading to divert himself from the boredom of the voyage.
36 Of these volumes Sterne was published in 1781 and Pope in 1764. It is conceivable that other items in the group published before 1800 may also have been part of this shipment, for example, Echard, 1733; Catullus, 1772; Cowper, 1787; Le Sage, 1751; Lucian, 1736; Scarron, 1785; Seneca, 1764.
At the end of 1839 Barry moved from Sydney to Melbourne.
37 He lived in a house at 97 Bourke Street from 1842 to 1852. While in Bourke Street, Barry opened his home to the public and they were welcome to borrow his books.
38 This is perhaps not surprising given growing public sentiment at the time and Barry's conviction that the public had a strong desire for knowledge that needed to be satisfied. In the 1830s a number of leading colonists promoted self-education through reading and study as a means to self-improvement. Mechanics institutes with circulating libraries were also starting to become established.
39 The books accessible to the public in Barry's home lending library included literary magazines like
Fraser's Magazine and
Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine and a small selection of standard works.
40 It can be supposed that amongst the standard works on offer were some in the St Mary's lot that he had brought with him from Ireland (Pope, Horace, Cowley, Sterne) and some of his early acquisitions in Melbourne.
The edition of Catullus would appear to be one of Barry's early Melbourne acquisitions. Published in 1772, the title page is inscribed 'Redmond Barry Melbourne Oct 5 1840' (see figure 3). Also interleaved between the pages in this volume is the business card
for 'Mr. Redmond St Leger Broadley 65 Old Broad St EC'. Another business card, the card of 'Miss W. Whannell, 84 Arnold Street, Princes Hill, North Carlton'
41 is interleaved in the pages of
The Life and Exploits of Don Quixote De La Mancha which is also dated by Barry in 1840. What was Miss W. Whannell's relationship to Barry? Was she an acquaintance of Barry's or a later owner of part of his library? It is impossible to draw precise conclusions but certainly the business cards left in Barry's books add an interesting dimension to the history of their use.
In 1853, Redmond Barry drafted a list of books, which would form the basis of the future Melbourne Public Library. While Barry consulted various catalogues to draw up the list it nevertheless includes an element of his own tastes.
42 Like his own collection, in the list drawn up for the new public library there is an emphasis on the classics, material from the Australian colonies, a wide range of poets and little fiction except well established authors. It is not surprising to find some overlap between this list and the items in the St Mary's collection, for example, Sterne, Pope, Echard, Le Sage,
Spectator are present both in the Library list and this group. The order for the Public library was filled by J.J. Guillaume, Colonial Book Supplier. Barry also used this firm for his own purchases as is evident by the bookseller's sticker in
Paul and Virginia.
All the items in the St Mary's group of Barry books have a publishing date before 1870 except the
New Dictionary of the English and Italian Languages, etc. (1877) indicating that it was a later acquisition.
The Life of Jesus and
Q. Horatii Flacci Opera, Illustrated from Antique
Gems by C. W. King, (the items in the Newman College rare books collection), are also later additions to Barry's library.
The Life of Jesus is inscribed 'Redmond Barry 187[5]' in Barry's hand.
Q. Horatii Flacci Opera is a gift from a friend, Gowan Evans,
46 in 1 June 1880. It was given to Barry just five months before his death in November 1880. This gift reflects Barry's known and lifelong interest in poetry not to mention one of his favourite poets.
43 Gowan wrote a letter on Melbourne Club stationery to accomapny his gift which Barry pasted onto the inside front cover of the book. Barry often went to the Melbourne Club in the late 1870s for companionship and dining in the evening.
44 The letter includes a quotation from Horace:
To Sir Redmond Barry
With a copy of the works
of the author of the time
"Nil ego contulerim jucundo sanus amico."
My dear Sir Redmond, one like you
Our favourite poet had in view,
When that immortal line he penn'd
In honour of the perfect friend,
The vir iucundus, who combined
All virtues of the heart and mind.
Your mind-worth let the Lord acclaim
Attest, which ever greets your name.
But only they, who know you well,
The value of your heart can tell.
Let me then, whom you condescend
To flatter with the name of friend,
Proclaim the poet; judgment true,
And that I know this, knowing you.
Gowan Evans
Annotations in books provide evidence not only that a particular volume was read but also give clues as to how what has been read may have been absorbed. They are marks of ownership and use and often provide insight into how the text has been received. That Barry was a highly engaged reader is perhaps best demonstrated by the annotations and notes made in books in his library. He was known as a frequent annotator of the books he owned.
47 A copy of the Bible, which he kept at his farm in Mulgrave, is remembered as being 'well read' and 'much annotated'.
48 It is the annotations in items in this group of books that bring Barry's use of these items to life. A total of 13 volumes in the group are heavily annotated in Barry's hand. Barry's notes are inserted in the margins, end papers, on interleaved pages or in any blank space. His annotations in these books include his translations (e.g. of Greek, Latin), comments on the text, and cross-references or quotations from other works in his library. His comments often take the form of disagreement with an author's translations or opinions and are sometimes accompanied by heavy underlining to indicate the point of contention. The extent of the annotation in this group of books gives the impression that Barry studied rather than merely read his books.
Examples of heavily annotated volumes in the St Mary's group include Ossian, Smart, Cowley, Sallust, Catullus, Virgil and Pope. Ossian was an important name in English literature in the second half of the eighteenth century and usually provoked a strong response. In the annotations to volume 3 of
The Poems of Ossian, Barry has made a cross-reference to 'Gibbon Decline and Fall' [
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire]. Gibbon, as one would expect, appears in the early list Barry made of his books.
The annotations in
Smart's Horace provide evidence of how Barry read and reread particular volumes. The title page is inscribed with the date 1835. However Barry returned to it in 1860, the year that some translations and notes in his hand are dated. Annotations are written on blank pages that have been interleaved as part of the binding done in Melbourne by Detmold. There is plenty of space to write and Barry has filled it up. The reuse of this volume and what is generally known of Barry's practice of reading and rereading his books (especially favourite authors such as Shakespeare
50) impart the sense of a well-used and often referred to private library rather than the collection of a bibliophile in the traditional sense.
The Baskerville Catullus, published in 1772, is heavily annotated in the margins and also on interleaved loose-leaf notes. The notes include translations and comments. Volume VII of The Poems of Abraham Cowley also includes cross references (to the Spectator) and comments from Barry. For example:
There is another kind of wit which consists partly in the resemblance of ideas and partly in the resemblance of words, which for distinction… I call "mixt wit". This kind of wit is that which abounds in Cowley more than any other author that ever wrote.
An example of the extent of Barry's interrogation of a text through annotation is his
annotations in
The Life of Jesus,
written by historical philosopher Ernest Renan and published in 1864. When it first appeared the
The Life of Jesus caused a sensation; sixty thousand copies were sold within five months, which at the time was unprecedented for a scholarly work on a religious subject.
51 In this popular work, Renan applies an historical rather than theological perspective to his account of Jesus' life. Barry who is described by Galbally as having a 'laissz-faire attitude to religion'
52 does not share Renan's interpretation and considers Renan's arguments inconsistent. In the commentary he has added on the page opposite the half-title, he defends more orthodox beliefs. His comments include:
Mr Renan considers that the Gospels contain "Elements of History" but nothing more. Not fictions yet not credible historical narratives throughout. In part legendary yet comprising legends marginal in value. He attaches little importance to tradition, the universal belief of the Church. In criticism he is a free lancer & disregards alike the coincident opinions of independent[?] scholars who have devoted their lives to the study of the scriptures & the scepticism ready made to his hand by Krause[?] the herd [?] of German doyens & materialists & the more daring infidels of his own nation—but his style of criticism embarrasses him, as it is as eclectic & arbitrary & it would be in many instances as difficult for him to establish according to consistent principles of historical method, some of the texts to which his ardent imagination gives an idyllic colouring as to prove the fallibility of some which he rejects.
Annotations in
The Life of Jesus also include examples of cross references to other works in Barry's library, for example,
Paradise Lost which is in the early list Barry made of his library.
53 Barry's references to Milton's
Paradise Regained and
Paradise Lost start on the blank page opposite the half-title (see figures 6 and 7).
– But first I mean
To exercise him in the Wilderness;
There he shall first lay down the rudiments
Of his great warfare, ere I send him forth
To conquer Sin and Death, the two grand foes.
By humiliation & strong sufferance
His weakness shall o'ercome Satanic strength,
And all the world, and mass of sinful flesh;
That all the Angels and aethereal Powers.
They now, and men hereafter-may discern
From what consummate virtue I have chose
This perfect man, by merit called my Son,
To earn salvation for the sons of men.
Paradise Regained I 155
These words in the text attributed to the Creator are those which would be uttered by an Arian & Socinian
A similar sentiment to [?]
– And those hast found
By merit more than birthright Son of God
One annotation that may represent Barry's response to The Life of Jesus is the Latin quotation 'Eo periculosior quod abundat delicibus vitiis' that Barry has inscribed under the half-title. This can be translated as 'It is all the more dangerous because it abounds in gentle vices'. Barry does not attribute this quotation to a particular source as he does with other references, but it appears to be a reference to Quintilian's critique of Seneca in Oratoria Institutio. In Oratoria Institutio Quintilian accuses Seneca of corrupt elegance; his writing is well-crafted which only makes it all the more insidious, dangerous and liable to corrupt the thinking of the young.
Multa in eo claraeque sententiae; multa etiam morum gratia legenda; sed in eloquendo corrupta pleraque, atque Eo perniciosissima, quod abundat dulcibus vitiis.
He has brilliant passages, and beautiful sentiments; but the expression is in a false taste, the more dangerous, as he abounds with delightful vices.
By alluding to Quintilian's observation that the style of Seneca's writings is exceedingly dangerous for the very reason that its vices are so many and attractive, Barry
makes a strong statement about his own reaction to Renan. While critical of Renan he also acknowledges his eloquence. This is Barry's own literary criticism reinforced by the authority of classical scholarship.
Barry's annotations continue on 78 pages throughout
The Life of Jesus. This dialogue with the author often consists of rigorous questioning from Barry. Statements by the author are frequently met with 'This I deny' or 'How?' or 'It was
not…' in the margins from Barry. Translations are underlined and questioned with 'This is not a correct translation'. The annotations continue throughout the text and as responses to the reading material expose Barry's attitudes to this major work. His rigorous interrogation of this and other texts in this group of books is a style of close study that is reminiscent of the glosses in medieval manuscripts. Medieval legal scholars added notes or commentary into the margins or between lines to explain or interpret legal principles embodied in the text.
57 Perhaps this was a technique that Barry came across as part of his legal education.
In addition to what we already know about Barry's extensive scholarship and the centrality of books and reading to his life, this collection of books offers a more intimate glimpse of Barry as a reader. It is particularly rich in indicators of how Barry used his library. It provides detail about when he read particular items and the extent to which he was engaged with his reading; that is, how he interrogated and responded to the text. Based on annotations in these books it seems Barry's collection was very much a working collection. It served as an often referred to and studied resource that in its scope reflected his broad cultural vision. Barry was a book collector who assembled his collection for its functional value and representation of knowledge.
Private libraries and their collectors are intrinsically linked. Their close relationship reveals aspects of the collector's personality and intellectual curiosity. Titles collected not only indicate typical traits and characteristic features of an individual and the reading that shaped their thinking, but also often mirror the ideas of an era or cultural pursuits of a given time. While the broad scope of Barry's library both illustrates and merges the many facets of his personal interests and working life, the group of books referred to in this article represents detailed and tangible evidence about Barry's relationship with books and reading. Further close analysis of the annotations in this group of books may reveal additional insight into how these works influenced Barry's approach to aspects of his legal work and the views expressed in his public lectures and addresses.