Articles by Des Cowley
European voyages of discovery, from No. 41 (Autumn 1988)
Scriptores Historiae Augustae, from No. 45 (Autumn 1990)
The La Trobe Rare Book Collection, from No. 47 & 48 (1991)
Over the border: Victoria at interstate exhibitions, from No. 56 (Spring 1995)
Annotation: ‘Experiment with Death’ by Max Harris, from No. 64 (Spring 1999)
A Checklist of Reed & Harris Publications, from No. 64 (Spring 1999)
Distinct Creation: Early European Images of Australian Animals, from No. 66 (Spring 2000)
Women's Work: Illustrating the Natural Wonders of the Colonies, from No. 69 (Autumn 2002)
Annotation The Golf Hill Bequest: 2. George Russell's Library, from No. 69 (Autumn 2002)
Redeeming an Obligation: Aboriginal Culture at the 1866 Exhibition, from No. 73 (Autumn 2004)
Proof Copy or Clandestine Edition?: the ‘Fraser’ copy of Power without Glory, from No. 83 (May 2009)