State Library Victoria > La Trobe Journal

No 45 Autumn 1990


Appendix 5: Directions for the Preparation Of Starch Paste

Suggested starch to use:
Silver Star Laundry Starch
Measure: 1 part starch powder, 4–5 parts distilled water (available from supermarkets, usually with the ironing aids).
• Soak starch powder in the water for at least 1 hour, preferably overnight.
• Place starch mix in a double boiler or in a basin over boiling water in a pan.
• On fairly high heat allow the paste to reach boiling, stirring continuously.
• Turn down the heat and continue to stir the paste until it is very thick and has changed from a dull white to a semi-transparent blue white, usually this will be at least five minutes after initial thickening.
• Turn off the heat and stirring occasionally, allow to cool.
• Spoon mix into a storage container and cover with a damp cloth. Keep in a refrigerator.
• When required for use, push a small quantity of the thick paste through a fine sieve and dilute with distilled water to the required thickness, usually a thin cream. If the paste appears lumpy, pass the diluted mix back through the fine sieve before use. This diluted mix will keep in a refrigerator for days if covered with a damp cloth.