State Library Victoria > La Trobe Journal

No 56 Spring 1995

[Front matter]

front cover
inside front cover

From Official record of the Centennial International Exhibition, Melbourne, 1888–1889

La Trobe Library Journal
Vol. 14, No. 56 Spring 1995
(issued October 1995)
published by
The Friends of the State Library of Victoria
Victoria at the Great Exhibitions 1851–1900
Guest editors: — Des Cowley & Marg McCormack


1 London, Paris, Philadelphia … Victoria at the Great Exhibitions Gerard Hayes 2
2. ‘The accompaniments of European civilization’: exhibitions in Melbourne 1854–1888 Ian Morrison 6
3. Country Victoria on display Sandra Burt 11
4. Over the border: Victoria at interstate exhibitions Des Cowley 13
5. The Palaeontologist and The Exhibitions Thomas A. Darragh 18
Exhibition sources
6. Manuscripts Shona Dewar 24
7. Pictures Michael Galimany 26
8. Newspapers Trish Hoyne 28
9. Books and pamphlets Anne Glover 31
10. Ephemera Jennifer Gissing 33
11. Prospectuses for the Great London Exhibition of 1851 Catherine de Courcy 35
12. The Cox & Luckin photographs from the 1861 Victorian Exhibition Mary Lewis 37
13. Thomas Ellis & Co: photographers to the Melbourne Intercolonial Exhibition of 1866–67 Kirstie McRobert 38
14. The 1880 Melbourne International Exhibition visitors' book Marg McCormack 40
15. Select checklist of nineteenth century exhibitions Jan Brennan & Rosemary Woodfull 42
Editors' note: This issue looks at Victoria's involvement in the “great exhibition” phenomenon of the nineteenth century. Less attention is given to the Melbourne exhibitions of 1880 and 1888, as these will be well covered in David Dunstan's forthcoming book Victorian icon: a history of the Royal Exhibition Building.
With one exception, that is, the essay by Tom Darragh of the Museum of Victoria, all essays are by staff of the La Trobe Library. The first group of essays provides an overview of Victoria's exhibition participation, the second gives details of exhibition material held in the Library's collection, the third focuses on selected items from the collection, and finally we have included a checklist of exhibitions in which Victoria took part and for which the Library holds contemporary sources.
Cover: The Melbourne International Exhibition: the Victorian Court' from The Australasian sketcher 6 November 1880 p. 296.
ISSN 0041–3151