State Library Victoria > La Trobe Journal

No 62 Spring 1998

Cover: The Poster Maiden, a lithograph from the Troedel Collection (vol. 28, p.37) in the Picture Collection of the State Library, was designed by W(illiam) Blamire Young (1862-1935), who has been described as a major water colourist in early 20th century Australia. [lithograph] Between 1897 and 1899 he worked as the Art Advertising Manager of the Austral Cycle Agency. Advertisements for Swift’s bicycles were based on this design (see left [inside-front]) [advertisement]. So far as is known, the damaged copy of The Poster Maiden reproduced here is the only copy that has survived. The work of Troedel & Co., which includes the advertising poster The 'Eureka' Patent Rabbit Extractor (vol 28, p.16) reproduced on the back cover, is discussed by Olga Tsara on p.31 of this journal. [advertisement]

Cover: The Poster Maiden, a lithograph from the Troedel Collection (vol. 28, p. 37) in the Picture Collection of the State Library, was designed by W(illiam) Blamire Young (1862-1935), who has been described as a major water colorist in early twentieth-century Australia. Between 1897 and 1899 he worked as the Art Advertising Manager of the Austral Cycle Agency. Advertisements for Swift's bicycles were based on this design (see left). So far as is known, the damaged copy of The Poster Maiden reproduced here is the only copy that has survived. The The work of Troedel & Co., which includes the advertising poster The ‘Eureka’ Patent Rabbit Extractor (vol. 28, p. 16) reproduced on the back cover, is discussed by Olga Tsara in this number of The La Trobe Journal.