Articles by Dianne Reilly
Antoine Fauchery, 1823–1861: photographer and journalist par excellence, from No. 33 (April 1984)
The La Trobe Library: A History, from No. 47 & 48 (1991)
The Charles Joseph La Trobe archive: an overview, from No. 58 (Spring 1996)
Obituary: Mrs E. M. Borrow, from No. 59 (Autumn 1997)
Obituary, Mary Baillieu, from No. 63 (Autumn 1999)
Library Profile: John Holroyd, Bookman, from No. 66 (Spring 2000)
Charles Joseph La Trobe: An Appreciation, from No. 71 (Autumn 2003)
The Creation of a Civil Servant: La Trobe in the West Indies, from No. 71 (Autumn 2003)
La Trobe's Marriage with his ‘Deceased Wife's Sister', from No. 71 (Autumn 2003)
Remembering the La Trobe Library, from No. 80 (Spring 2007)